Suggestion of improvement

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by Rayo_McQueen, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Rayo_McQueen

    Rayo_McQueen Registered

    Sep 26, 2011
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    Is it possible to create two options to assign two fixed values in brake balance?. To change the brake balance value by value is complicated before a corner and it would be fantastic to change quickly to a fixed preset value, only pressing a button (or a key), to avoid wheel blockages, like they make in the Formula 1.

    Is it possible to create animations that are activated with buttons? Something similar like the quick chat buttons, but instead of showing a message, an animation would be activated. One example is to raise the hand in sign of victory. I know that it is not important for the simulation, but it would improve the general environment of the game. Who knows that animations could make the modders for this function:).
  2. Boyd

    Boyd Registered

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I would like an animation, that other drivers can see, whereby I can raise my hand out of the cockpit (not in victory) and flip the bird at a fellow driver ... now THAT would be a useful animation. ;) And it would really improve the general environment for me :D
    (just kidding of course, sorry for hijacking the thread...)

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