SOLVED Standalone Ded cant be seen, direct connect works!

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by Ludacon, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Ludacon

    Ludacon Registered

    Mar 21, 2019
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    I have recently rebuilt my dedicated server used to host an upcoming GT3 series in RF2. Everything went well until i had the server up and running and realized i couldnt see it, but since i am on the same LAN i figured it was some lan weirdness with steam server browser so i direct connected through a shortcut and bam everything works great. I asked someone else to browse and so far no one can see it. But everyone so far can direct connect no problem.

    I have the correct ports + a couple extra opened, and have verified with an external scaning tool that the ports appear to be open, and again people are logging on and racing on the server, its just not in the browser. While it technically works its subpar and adds another layer of difficulty in recruiting new drivers, i would like to get the browser issue sorted.

    TL;DR: SteamCMD dedicated server is direct connect-able but cant be seen by anyone from the steam browers.

    I am entertaining any suggestions / ideas!
    McKiernan and mister dog like this.
  2. mister dog

    mister dog Registered

    Feb 10, 2019
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    Hi S397 please advise on what might be causing these invisible servers, we'd love to run an Rf2 league but if the server doesn't show up we're basically handicapped and we can't make everyone reconfigure to a direct connection all the time.
    Ludacon likes this.
  3. Marcel Offermans

    Marcel Offermans Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Can you list the ports you opened and forwarded and the relevant parts of the configuration files of the dedicated server? It sounds like you are somehow missing a port that Steam needs to communicate.
    mister dog likes this.
  4. Ludacon

    Ludacon Registered

    Mar 21, 2019
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    Here are the ports:

    The OS firewall is turned off, but i also have matching holes, on both TCP/UDP:

    I have spent many hours digging through configs, forums, etc for clues. I have tested a second and third fresh install machines on windows server 2016 and 2019, but have the same issue.
    *edit* additionally WIndows Defender is also turned off, no other anti virus is present.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
  5. mister dog

    mister dog Registered

    Feb 10, 2019
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    Good morning Marcel, seems the problem was caused because of a missing 4c++ runtime in the setup folder. We managed to make it appear again now. Cheers!
  6. Ludacon

    Ludacon Registered

    Mar 21, 2019
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    For the record:

    The issue is that since the steamCMD client does not do the first run steps that the regular GUI client runs, the C++ runtime redistributables in the support folder had not been installed; which is a requisite for the Steam plugin to function. This plugin is what publishes the servers to the steam master list and helps facilitate connectivity from there. Once i ran the redistributables and rebooted the server [and synced the content] The servers are online and functioning nicely. IF the issue arises again i will post back.

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