Hello everyone, i´ve been following the tutorial done by Goanna here : https://forum.studio-397.com/index....cmd-and-paid-content.57209/page-4#post-962943 But i can´t make it work for the automatic downloading item from the steam workshop (official free S397 content) The tutorial says: "Copy this line and paste into the command prompt, you'll need to change Your Steam Username and Your Steam Password to your actual Steam username and password (You need username and password now because you can only download rF2 content if you own the game); steamcmd +login Your Steam Username Your Steam Password +workshop_download_item 365960 963980240 +quit When that has finished use the same command to download the Karts...change 963980240 to 922034231 ie; steamcmd +login Your Steam Username Your Steam Password +workshop_download_item 365960 922034231 +quit" My directory dedicated server is in "G" hard drive and here is where i start G:\Steam-CMD S i suppose i should type it this way: G:\> Steam-CMD +philmcqueen123456789 +workshop_download_item 1515650133 +quit Of course that doesn´t work So @Akela_DE gave me a hand and told me to put it this way: "no. First cd steamcmd Then steamcmd +philmcqueen123456789 +workshop_download_item 1515650133 +quit" Root invalid But my steamcmd folder is in "G" What am i missing?
You should remove the > and type G:\ so get to G:\ then type cd steamcmd and press Enter now you should see G:\steamcmd which means you are now in the steamcmd folder where you can type your command steamcmd +philmcqueen123456789 +workshop_download_item 1515650133 +quit and press Enter
When you download steamcmd, this is normally a ZIP file (steamcmd.zip) and has to be first unpacked in G:\ This should make the folder G:\steamcmd Can you go to G:\ and type dir and press Enter This will show the contents of G:\ Then send a screenshot.
Danke @Akela_DE !! So for those how are not familiar with "DOS COMMAND" i leave you what Akela_DE explain and works : To get to the right folder if you are in "G" here is th correct root to type: C:\WINDOWS\system32>G: G:\>cd steam-cmd G:\Steam-CMD> After that still the correct way to download the item : steamcmd.exe +login philmcqueen 123456 +workshop_download_item 365960 1515650133 +quit It should look like that: Here is the result mission completed: 1515650133: this is the item ID for the MCLAREN MP4available on steam workshop STUDIO-397 365960: this is the RFACTOR ID for Steam One more time danke sehr my freund