SLI fix

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by Snipe3000, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Snipe3000

    Snipe3000 Registered

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Is there a fix for the SLI issue without having to turn off SLI?
  2. HappyCamper

    HappyCamper Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    No...We are all still waiting for Nvidia or ISI to look into this. I believe however it is a Nvidia SLI compatibility issue.

    This happens frequently with newly released games on all types.
  3. TravisRoe666

    TravisRoe666 Registered

    Jan 31, 2012
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    im incredibly disappointed by the 'open beta' having this massive issue rendering it unplayable to all the serious enthusiasts out there. to think they make us pay for an open beta that is for devs only really (to test modding system) and is clearly more of a pre-alpha not a beta...and to have this beta out for so long already and not even workaround the SLI issue or issue a profile or fix...just awful. im beginning to become very disheartened by this and particularly by ISI's response to this ("its a beta you should know that click refund if u dont like situation"). fk off. very unhappy. if you cant even make the rf2 engine work at least as well as the rf1 engine after 7 years since the have a major coding issue LOL....and the graphics look nothing like the posted videos... all in all this is really pretty shoddy. minor update to gfx from rf1, vastly improved driving, but it means nothing if i cant use multiview, cant use dual GPU/cant use SLI, cant turn all details up, cant use 3d, cant try more than couple of cars/tracks...cant do real development on any mods that are visual or contain visual elements since engine is nothing like what I suspect final engine revision will be. What is worse, than all of this put together, is ISI's complete lack of comprehensively addressing either the the problem, or entering into publicly visible discussions about it, or issuing a progress update.....silence is really poor. ISI have just gone from one games company i held in exceptionally high one that I now have serious, serious doubts over. any company who implies i should 'click the refund button' just because their open beta doesn't properly run SLI is not even on the same PLANET as the rest of issue open betas to get feedback, i gave it to you..dont tell me to go click refund. im extremely unimpressed by the email I got back from their dev team today. frankly ready to refund and never play again and move my league over to iRacing. they better fix this crap quick. and their staffs fn attitude to customers.!!!!!!! if you dont want negative feedback and can't handle constructive criticism, dont issue a bloody PUBLIC OPEN BETA!!! AND DONT CALL SOFTWARE THAT CANT EVEN USE A DUAL GPU / SLI CARD dead standard gtx590 , DONT CALL THAT SOFTWARE A BETA its clearly a bloody EARLY alpha at best. and if youre going to reply all defensively to your own customers saying this open public beta was only for developers to test the modding system, HA what a stupid concept. you make developers, who create, support and allow the rF mod community to thrive, PAY for an extremely incomplete 'beta'?? LOL. you shouldve given the beta to these community members to encourage/foster the community. making everyone pay to use this 'open beta' is nothing short of a joke. i can handle pre ordering, i can handle being warned of an early alpha with problems, but to make me pay, promise me the open beta, give me the public open beta, and then i find the quality is through the floor its barely releasable as an rf1 rework never mind a whole new rf2 game engine. ISI should be thanking everyone that paid, apologising for the remaining major issues, and issuing progress reports/updates/bug lists/fix lists, etc. Im starting to think they aren't at all serious about being a consumer games company. it certainly seems like they dont give a toss about the public , public opinion, what a 'beta' release quality level should be, or pretty much anything most standard software dev companies value highly. get it together ISI or im outta here, and after 9 years itd be a shame but thats just how bad your 'open beta' and support / response to feedback is. AWFUL.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2012
  4. Spyder

    Spyder Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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  5. RNelson

    RNelson Registered

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Do you mean get it together as in finish the product they are working on? If so, they have made it clear the beta period is going to take roughly 6 months. I would imagine your rants/threats to walk away make you feel pretty powerful. Personally, they made it clear what they were testing - mod system and payment system - in their pre-release posts. If you expected a virtually completed product then YOUR expectation was wrong. And you didn't pay for the beta - you pre-paid for the final product and get the benefit of participating/experiencing the beta in its various states between release and completion. If you don't want to tolerate that process then for your own piece of mind you should opt out until the product is in a more commercially releasable state. I would hate to see what this has done to your blood pressure and reading the anger in your post suggests beta-rF2 may not be a healthy choice for you.
  6. TonyRickard

    TonyRickard Registered

    Jun 5, 2011
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    The refund option is there for people who are not happy with the current beta. If the above is your concept of constructive criticism then perhaps this just isn't going to work out for you and that is the best option. Don't feel you can talk for "the rest of us". Many of us are delighted that ISI released this open beta and can actively engage in its ongoing development.
  7. [NAR]Steve

    [NAR]Steve Registered

    Oct 20, 2010
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    I don't believe they "made" anyone pay, you VOLUNTEERED to pay for it. If it is so horrible to you, you should hit the refund tab, and move on to more satisfying endeavors....

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