Skin package server side; mod could not be installed

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by mister dog, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. mister dog

    mister dog Registered

    Feb 10, 2019
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    We have created a skin package which can be downloaded from the server, after we set up everything the initial logon seems to be ok, but after a while the server doesn't respond anymore and people using the old UI see the 'mod could not be installed' error message. Sometimes it works by pressing the 'back' button and then the car selection loads (with the skins). But not with everybody.

    On the new UI there is no back button so it just seems like the game freezes and you have to shut it down with task manager.

    Any idea what is causing this? Apparently it happens regularly with Rf2. Any help appreciated!

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