Sharing Setups

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by redapg, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Which is why I am not uploading anything (btw nice project, really like it)

    I've got loads of good setups, mainly finished setups used in our league-races but also base-setups, however apart from notes I made for myself which are hardly usable for anyone else there's no info, I don't even know for which build they are or which version of a mod.
    Plus I'm so out of it not having used rf2 for a few builds I don't even recognize half of them :)

    Maybe this is the case for some others as well, whom ever created a setup with public use in mind? (apart from sharing it in-game)
    So I doubt there are many out there ready to be crystal clear for the public and for the creator to easily spot as usable maybe.

    The rating system could tackle that, good ones will surface, bad ones ignored (?)
    And you need this thing to get off the ground so why not fill it up?
  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I've added 3 more Values and made them required to be able to upload the Setup-File.
    But it's not online yet.

    The 3 Values are:
    - Version-Number of the Mod with that the Setup has been created
    - Type of Setup, Options: Basic/Quali/Race
    - Character, Options: Neutral/Oversteering/Understeering

    Do you have some more Suggestions?
    atomed likes this.
  3. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    ... seems as if the need for this isn't that big as i thought.

    Maybe one day....... :)

    But Suggestions to improve it are always welcome.
  4. jimcarrel

    jimcarrel Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Don't enter into a "downer" tail-spin, it will just take a bit to catch on.
    Plus, one does need a worthy set-up to submit.
  5. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Good idea to jot down in notes as soon as you make, Build # and Personal Best ( no tow )
    and update best laptimes / resave.

    The other things like character / tips you can add later.

    I agree mate more people could run fixed setup rooms and together come up with a really good neutral setup
    that all the regulars go well with.

    Steven Porters set we used in F3-rookies for a solid 6 months I recorded 300+ driver time at Belgium for F3-Eve.

    Only no tow laps were ever counted out of 300 the majority got AMA rating or better ( 4:18.00 )
    less then 5% did 4:15 less then 10% 4:16

    2 second spread was over 200 drivers I remember, not bad for Belgium.

  6. Eddy

    Eddy Registered

    Jun 27, 2013
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    I still like the idea and your work on it is very much least by me.
    like DD said i think it would be a good idea to set the game build and mod build nr. next to the set up.

    just my 2 cents
  7. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Mod Version Number is already included and online.

    Laptime and Version Number of rFactor 2 Build i will add soon.

    Thank you for replying. :)

    For giving the possibility to be able to Update a laptime, it would be necessary to be logged in, if you upload a Setup.
    That is the only way i can control that only the Uploader can edit his Laptime.

    I will add a Line that informs the Uploader that, if he wants to edit the Laptime or replace the Setup File later, he has to register and login first.

    But i have to ask here, if that makes sense only to edit the Laptime, without replacing the uploaded file.

    I think everybody gets better Laptimes the longer he drives a Track/Car Combination.
    Until he reaches his Limit.

    So it makes no sense in my eyes, if one comes every 2 days to edit his Laptime, because he made a Lap that was 0.03 Seconds faster. ;)

    But it makes absolutely Sense, if one changed his Garage-Settings and got a better Laptime because of the Changes.
    And then it would need the ability to edit the Laptime and also replace the uploaded Setup file.
    Or, optionally, upload the new Settings as a new Setup, because it has another Characteristic....

    Any Suggestions/Opinions to that?
  8. Eddy

    Eddy Registered

    Jun 27, 2013
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    i gave this some long thoughts and came to the following conclusion, remember it's just my opinion.

    for every car that i use i always start with the default setup and learn to "read" the track and get the feeling of how the car's response is at that certain track. When at some point i get the feeling of the track i start tweaking the set-up to get the car doing what i want it to do for me. I always use motec to see if the tweaking has the effect i wanted to achieve (being faster ;))
    But now i think about it i always start of, when starting tweaking the set-up, with the same things. That first tweaked set-up you could call that my base set for that car.
    in my opinion those base sets is what we are after here.
    What i mean is this: for me making the setups is a big part of the hobby. This Share your Setup tool is for the people who don't have much hobby in making setups and if they can find the set for a specific car in this tool they will be helped big time right?
    So putting myself in the shoes of them with no hobby in making setups themselves and they find the sets from for example Redapg the best for their driving style they will always look for a base set for no matter what kind of car from Redapg. i don't think the track will be that important because like i said i think the base setup for that car will always be more or less the same.

    Also the laptime the maker of the set-up did with doesn't matter that much because i have set-ups i like from people who are much faster then me but looking at it more closely it's always the sets made by the same persons. So my thoughts on that are that their driving style is more or less the same then mine. But then again i will never be as fast as they are with that set. All that matters is that the user is comfortable with that set for that car.

    So my conclusion would be: Make the system like this (example)

    Base set-up for Apex GT3 799 by Redapg
    characteristic: oversteer or understeer or neutral
    mod build: .930

    and make a filter for cars and setup builders.

    Sorry for the long post, and again these are just my thoughts about this not saying that this is the holey grail. But if a poster posts several setups for the same car i think users will be lost in their surge for a good set.
  9. Euskotracks

    Euskotracks Registered

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I agree with the above. IMO the track itself is probably not so important because there are many tracks compared to simpler sorting options . I would never put it as a main sorting option. That's why I introduced the base setup concept. Furthermore it could simply be another characteristic, as oversteering/understeering, high/low speed, clockwise/anticlockwise or high/low downforce.

    In my opinion, if I look for a setup of a car I would need a setup that matches the above mentioned characteristics.

    If you get no results out of a very demanding query, you can remove some filters.

    Considering what I said about tracks, the laptime is also little important for me. However it does not harm to include it as a reference.

    The point is that a setup for a track can be perfectly good (especially as a starting point) for another reasonably similar but, all in all, different track. This method is used even by F1 teams as, I think it was Bottas who talked about this in an interview.

    Edit: With main sorting option I refer to the filters that need to be actually matched for the result being of some usefulness. I can only think about vehicle including its version and ALSO upgrade code, which would help for some particular mods like stock cars.

    If you load a setup for an oval in one which has been upgraded for track racing, the result will most probably be a disaster.

    Enviado desde mi ONE A2001 mediante Tapatalk
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2016
  10. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Thank you Eddy and Euskotracks.

    That is one of the most difficult things when one creates something.
    The senseful usefulness. ;)

    And it's helpful to get your Opinions and Suggestions.

    E.g. the Base-Setups.
    I've already added the Input-field: Type, with Options: Base, Quali, Race

    And the Tracks as Filter can also be helpful.

    In the End it all depends on the availability of a good working and senseful Filtering-System.

    @Euskotracks: Like your before mentioned Idea, to define some Tracks with different Layouts, that have to be used for creating Base-Setups, could help a lot.

    The Problem with such things is, that i fear that only a few People will do that.

    Although it of course plays a big role, if you create a Base Setup on e.g. a 1.2 Miles tight and slow Track or the Nürburgring-Nordschleife.

    So for me it's good to get Information about what you want to have, to see if i can adapt it to the Script, in a senseful way.
  11. keyloki

    keyloki Registered

    Feb 27, 2013
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    love the work redagp. I LOVE sim racing, but for me, the lack of time to create a decent setup makes me un-competitive online. If a "competitve" setup is available in a database here, I would guess it will increase online participation from alot of guys like me. Getting swallowed up by people that spend all day racing can be dis-heartening and kind of kills the "fun" sometimes. I never expect to just show up and win but at least having a decent base to start from is awsome. IMO
  12. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Thank you. Yes, i also think that, it's one of the Reasons why i build the Site. :)

    Just to give a small Update:
    The Uploded Files are full editable now, BUT you have to Login before you upload a Setup to get that Feature enabled.
    All Information, that you have to give in the Upload-Screen, is required to be able to upload a File, except the additional Info.
    Here is a Screenshot from how the Upload-Screen looks now.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2016
  13. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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  14. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Great stuff :cool:
  15. Rinussie

    Rinussie Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    IS this working allready ? when it is the link in post 1 is dead..... or is it still wip ???
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Unless someone else resurrected this recently I doubt this is working. You might notice the OP isn't around anymore (and, technically, is Banned). If you click on the link in the first post you can see why.
  17. Rinussie

    Rinussie Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Oké tnx Lazza,
    to bad I liked the idee..
  18. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Hello all together, as said in another Thread, i did let reactivate my Forum Account, to be able to answer directly to Problem or other Reports, regarding to my online Tools Site or other Things.
    After a longer Time of Inactivity at this Setup Sharing Site, i again began to work at it a few Weeks ago, to again offer it.
    The first Time the interest wasn't too big and also that i was banned didn't help much, to get this more known to the Public. ;)
    Currently there is another Member offering Setups in THIS Thread, so that there maybe can be an Option to use the Sharing Site for it.
    If there is interest into this Setup Sharing Site, please post Problems, Suggestions and other Things here, that i can adapt and improve it, if possible and senseful.
    Thank you
  19. TheBigDawg

    TheBigDawg Registered

    Aug 31, 2017
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    you would need a TON MORE TRACKS for me to do alot of what im doing....mainly because of historical work...mainly because of version changes. i got maybe a couple hundred tracks or so. counting track packs
  20. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The whole Site works in a Way where the registered User can, besides of uploading and change uploaded Setups, add Tracks and Cars too.
    I know that this Way of giving Control to the Users is a bit risky, because you can not control what they do, but it has the Advantage, that the User don't has to wait for a Site Admin that adds Tracks and Cars. ;)
    But if someone wants me to add them, i can do it, no Problem, i just need the List with the proper Track and Car Names.
    But be "warned", that will last a While, because my free Time, that i can spend with this Hobby, is limited. ;)

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