Several server instances and one packages folder

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by Juergen Muench, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Juergen Muench

    Juergen Muench Registered

    Nov 8, 2014
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    I´ve tested to use one packages folder for 2 dedicated server instances. It worked very well so far.
    I´ve made 3 rfactor2 installations on one server. One rfactor2 instance run with his own package folder and the other 2 instances use together a Packages folder.
    The ModManagers from the servers are using this folder. So I checked whether everything is installed on every server-check. Afterwords I made a new mod with the mas editor and installed them on each server.
    So I started one of the server and the server is shown in the matchmaker and it´s blue.
    I tried to connect to but after downloading the mod it didn´t display that the mod is installed and it happend nothing I stayed at the matchmaker and the server stayed blue.
    I looked at the ModManager on the Client side and the mod is there and installed but if I try to connect to the server, rfactor2 is downloading the mod and afterwords the server stays blue.

    Do I something wrong or isn´t it possible at the moment to use one package folder for several dedicated server instances?
  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It's some time ago that i've looked after the servers for our community. I also had 3 installations running. What i figured out was, that the vmod has to be existant in the default Packages-folder of the installation where it is installed. Otherwise the download/get Mod feature didn't work correctly.
    Maybe that can be the reason, i don't know if something has changed since then.

    Or maybe another Bug....look HERE
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2014
  3. Gijs van Elderen

    Gijs van Elderen Registered

    May 1, 2014
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    Content can be installed from a common folder. Even an other disk.

    But the Vmod has to be in the packages folder from each separate install.
    And has to be installed from that folder.
  4. Juergen Muench

    Juergen Muench Registered

    Nov 8, 2014
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    That is the key ;)
    Thank you

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