Setups for other formulas shouldn't appear

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by rfuctor, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. rfuctor

    rfuctor Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    IMO, by default, setups for other formulas shouldn't appear in the SETUPS window and I think it should go even further so that setups for other cars in the same formula shouldn't appear in the SETUPS window by default.

    As the number of cars increase, the SETUPS window is going to get really cluttered - mine is already. It makes no sense to load a setup from a different formula, in programming speak, the result is undefined!

    Please can the program either check what vehicle the setup is for before displaying it in the SETUPS window or have folders for mods under the track folder where setups are automatically saved to and loaded from?

    Thanks and keep up the great work!

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