SOLVED Servers wont start after new build

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by kro388th, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Hi guys , we rent a ded from rack service and have a separate steam install just for the server where we keep all our games up to date ( we use multiple sims so its just easier this way ) anyway after updating our servers rf2 install our rf2 servers get a "rf2 has stopped working " we run 4 servers off the one install using multiple player player 1 , player 2, ect.. I wonder Do we have to re create these again after the update maybe ? any help is much appreciated server issue 1.jpg server issue 2.jpg

    Thanks ..
  2. Goanna

    Goanna Registered

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Server is still v1111, when you close them all down to update check that there is not a rfactor exe still running in the background... Ctrl+alt+del and check there, if there is right click and end process, then update the server.
    kro388th and Ari Antero like this.
  3. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Thanks for the reply ! ;-) .. This did happen ! Steam had the update in the q But said rf2 was still running & would not complete the dl/install , one little file with a strange extension so i rebooted the server to end everything lol & then the update went threw .. & also passed the steam file integrity ..
    Do we maybe need to DL a new ded from steam ?

    I know this multiple player folder method is not the recommended way to run the servers but we have ran it like this for years with no issues at all ..
    I wonder with multiple player folders do we need to also delete and build new ones from the updated player folder ?? This crossed my mind as well but the server having the old build is our first battle to win here ..
  4. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    After checking my all my files still say v1.1.1.1 even though its updated ??
  5. Ari Antero

    Ari Antero Registered

    Jul 27, 2012
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    "Latest Build Update rFactor 2 - 1.1112.

    Steam Build IDs
    client: 3646315
    dedi: 3646316
    Note: Admins are required to update all dedicated servers."
  6. Bernd

    Bernd Registered

    Jul 9, 2013
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    If you talk about the steam dedicated server, the exe is still, but check the version.txt file in the core folder.
    That should show 1.1112
    kro388th likes this.
  7. Ari Antero

    Ari Antero Registered

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Dedicated server is Application Version:
  8. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    rf2 server issue 3.png rf2 server issue 4.png Yes this is what we have on my game box install & also on the server but the server wont launch , this is a pic from my game box where it launches from my desktop ..
    Could this be why the error shows the build ? either way as soon as we try to launch one of the servers on the ded it gives the "rf2 has stopped" msg .. Im stumped ...:confused:o_O:rolleyes:
  9. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Thanks guy for you help I'm stumped .. we don't have screen capture on the ded server so I took a pic with my ph & yes the servers version.txt shows proper build ??:confused:o_O:eek::(
    rf2 server issue 5.jpg
  10. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Which track are you trying to load? And also where it crashes? During the loading stage, when it's loading the session?
  11. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Hi Krusti & Thanks ! it does not matter what track meaning we have tried all 4 servers with diff set up's for example for 1 we have 397's GT3s at brno ..the ded starts fine I can set it all up & then when I hit launch BAM no love .."rf2 has stopped"
  12. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Ok but just to exclude that thing, try this:
    go in your UserData\Log\CBash folder, find the files referred to Brno (for Road Atlanta for example they are RA2016.rrshd and RA2016.cbash) and copy them in the same CBash folder of your server install, try to load the server then (with Brno in this case).
  13. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Thx ! Will try that after work :/ gota do the work thing ...
    we made a little progress if we launch rf2 on the server and use the launchers icon to launch the ded it worked ! That means our player folder on the servers steam install is good So perhaps our existing multiple servers we created player 1, player 2, ect need to be deleted and remade with the fresh builds player folder ? Like i said imat work now & all this is going threw my head lol we dont have our main race’s untill the weekend so we have a little time to sort it .. thx !
  14. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Registered

    Dec 7, 2014
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    The servers were running normally with this track and others already configured, but stopped working after the update to 1112. It is definitely not a track issue.

    The only difference I see when comparing our Player, Player2, Player3 and Player4 .json files is that Player.json is the only one with the new code lines for the new data logging i.e.
    "RealTimeLogging#":"0=off, 1=Accurate",

    But running our server #1 i.e. Player.json does not work anyway so its not those additional lines of code that are the problem either.
  15. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Sadly i can't test it myself because i stopped using the multiple player folders in the same install few weeks ago, for live timing purpose, i'm now using different installs for each server.
    I told you to try that because when i started my server some days ago i had the same kind of crash, i solved by following the method i've described, but it was before the new build and it's probably a different kind of issue.
    The only thing that comes in my mind now is to install and brand new copy of the dedicated server and paste there the player and multiplayer.json, try with one and see if it works, then start adding the other player folders.
    I'd also try to launch it after disabling all the plugins except the Steam one, if there are any.
    kro388th likes this.
  16. Brent

    Brent Registered

    Nov 5, 2015
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    We have a server on Markmods and after the update the server crashes a moment after starting it. The server does not show up in the matchmaker list. I tried a full reinstall and I'm having the same issue. I've got a help ticket into Markmods. SMH
  17. kro388th

    kro388th Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    After some more digging around it seems the ded is not seeing any of the other player folders , player1 player2 all have proper individual ports and have run nicely together for the last 2 years ..
    I did a test and created a brand new player -"player5" , I set up the ports after changing the name to match the folder then went to the bin32 to launch the ded and choose player5 from the drop down( also tried in bin64) but these exe's give the "No Mods Found" error
    … Is this where I'm supposed to make the short cut's for the ded's ? from one of the the bins depending on what bit you want right? .. ….. no joy there …

    (remember this is a steam account on a rack service win2012R server with all our leagues games on it & never used as client, in fact it wont even launch the client side so no client action)

    So i go back the the trusty rf2 launcher and hit the host button ,& when the ded comes up I try that player drop down to see if it will see the new folder i made or any of the other 4 player folders .. sadly none of the other player folders were in the drop down to choose from or its not allowing it

    seems like Its like its not looking in the right place or something but the paths all match up .. do I need to edit the command line to have it see the other player folders?


    I did not create this server set up I took it over 2 years ago and its ran fine until this update so IDK if maybe there was a command line that the new build removed ?

    The old short cuts for the 4 servers are still there & when brought up they show the correct player like "player3" for the ded short cut named server3 but are also the only player folder in the drop down.. This is so strange .. I hope im just over looking something ..
    It runs from the launcher so we can host 1 event ;-( but cannot get the multiple deds to work ..
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
  18. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    There is no reasons to use the 32bit version, so i'd use the 64 one anyway, btw, go in your bin64 folder and create a shortcut of rFactor2 Dedicated.exe, place it in ie in the desktop.
    Then, right click on the shortcut, propriety, and go in the tab called..mmm.. idk how is supposed to be in english, link? As the following screen anyway.
    In "destination" (??) write this "C:\rF2-dedi-server1\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" +profile=server1
    where of course you should put your directory of your exe and your profile name, which is the name of the player folder in userdata. Repeat this with each profile or for the ones you need (just copy the shortcut and edit +profile=). This should solve the "No Mods Found" error, so you can try this with server5.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
  19. Brent

    Brent Registered

    Nov 5, 2015
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    After a couple hours I finally was able to get a backup dedicated server working for our league practice tonight.

    First, I tried starting the dedicated server from the launcher, got a no mods found error. So next I focused on the separate dedicated install I had created that had worked for me last year. I updated it with the latest update, got it setup, got it to launch, got it to fire up, couldn't get the server to show up in the matchmaker. I double checked triple checked the ports on my router and outbound/inbound rules, made sure they were correct in the json files. Finally, after about giving up I tried to launch the dedicated server from the RF2 launcher again and low and behold it fired up. Started the server and it's showing up in the matchmaker. :confused:
  20. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Registered

    Dec 7, 2014
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    The problem has now been fixed by simply changing the DS Target path in our server shortcuts to point to the Bin64 folder, instead of the Bin32 folder. Everything then works as expected using the already created vmods and without having to install a standalone DS. :)

    Not sure why the 1112 update didn't work with the Bin32 version though. :confused:
    Daniele Vidimari likes this.

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