Rfactor2 The VR thread -settings & tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adrianstealth, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    *******************************NOTE 02-7/18 THIS IS DUE TO BE UPDATED + NEW PICS RE-ADDED ***********[​IMG]

    Rfactor 2 currently utilises OpenVR sdk which allows compatibility with all current retail headsets
    in DX11 beta mode (only)

    Please feel free to add hints/tips to this thread & I can update this header as appropriate.

    Its advised that users run their PC's well within limits
    To achieve :
    -A fluid consistently fluid smooth virtual reality experience
    -A constant/solid 89-90fps should be maintained
    -Helps to reduce latencies

    The "basics" -for 1st time setup 397's instruction :
    *to add you may also need to reset/re-centre steam VR positioning if you find that your in-car view is set off to the side

    CTRL+Space is default for rfactor2 VR position re-centre
    -not steam positional see *note just above,
    as steam VR position options (in steam VR setup) reset may be needed too

    For reference my specs: i7@4.8ghz + GTX1080ti @2.2ghz core all water cooled

    1) GPU control panel
    Note: these are the settings that seems to give me personally the very best performance on my
    current PC and previous a PC although its not necessary to change these settings I personally always will

    This is for Nvidia only , maybe an AMD user could post their best settings,

    first check you are using a custom profile for the various titles installed on your PC :


    These are best settings I've found for best performance:

    -be sure not to use "clamp" (not shown below as not selected)
    -I don't use AA (Anti Aliasing) , if I do I set Antialiasing to over-ride to None or Multi Sample only
    (below it says "application controlled as I keep it off in rfactor 2's settings ),
    Caution : AA super sample eats a lot of PC resource (although I know a lot of users like it)




    2) Steam pixel super-sample / pixel density

    IMO the very best visual upgrade setting for VR,
    its costly on PC resource but I prefer to push this setting up at the expense of AA & in-sim higher graphical settings, e,g I prefer to run much lower graphic setting to be able to have a sharper visual image

    This setting multiplies the amount of pixels being processed by the gpu.
    The default is 1 , some with a low spec PC can use this to set to 0.8 but visuals will appear less focussed,

    users with powerful setups can go maybe as high as 1.7 but will usually require very conservative graphical settings elsewhere.

    EDITED :
    steam now has a built in option for this, simply launch steam and activate steam vr,
    then press the ^ (right hand side) & right click the little VR circle and go to settings
    -you will find the pixel density slider in there.

    3) Rfactor 2 graphic settings

    some users may have to go lower on some of these settings
    its advised to start at the lowest possible settings then testing to ensure
    fluid consistent frame rates before moving settings higher

    ---various performance updates have been released
    (steam auto downloads these if you have the default "auto update" switched on in your steam options)

    although my PC can run rfactor 2 with higher settings I prefer to keep rfactor2 running well within my PC's limits therefore 90fps is maintained in most cases

    I am sure I have reduced lag/latencies due to this too as things "feel" better & I can usually achieve faster lap times , maybe someone could explain if this is factual or not?
    Anyhow I use low to medium settings, see ***note below this pic

    Update :
    I realise texture level can be set to "medium" for VR with little noticeable visual difference + Texture Filter x8

    Make sure both "Head Physics" and "Exaggerate Yaw" are set to 0% in the controller settings menu

    in the graphics menu
    There's an option "lock to horizon" this reduces the overall visual judder when the si m car hits a curb or a track bump, for maximum reduction of this set this option to "LOW"
    ( not high -I know this seems odd )

    In your player.JSON file change values to 0 as below:

    "Car Vibration Mult1":0,
    "Car Vibration Mult2":0,
    "Cockpit Vibration Mult1":0,
    "Cockpit Vibration Mult2":0, **UPDATE 06/07/2017 this may be defaulted as standard now

    4) steam VR Reprojection

    I have turned this completely off as I aim for my PC to be running well within its limits,
    thus it should not need any fps help, some may need this
    -its set in the steam VR control panel , simply right click the VR circle in the task bars ^ ,
    be sure to have it running simply click on the little VR top right on the main steam interface

    6) Using AI

    Apart from high graphic settings to many AI is quick way to destroy the VR experience
    every sim that has AI (DCS world, Arma series, various other racing titles) when in use can put a tremendous load on the CPU of the PC,
    Do your own testing, some car types/mods are less of a load than others
    I personally tend to use up to about x8 AI's maximum although in stress tests I realise certain car types/mods will allow many more but I do personally try to keep to a minimum

    7) A few player.Json amends

    some nice little tweaks here :

    locate -if your rfactor2 is not on "C" drive then swap the "C" at beginning with relevant drive letter:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\player.Json

    open the player.Json file (use notepad), then search for as below

    My favourites :

    Rear view mirror render distance
    search for "Rearview_Back_Clip " the number is the render distance in meters ( 0 is no limit )
    (I have this set to 30mtrs)

    Lowering details of cars in garage
    search for "Garage Detail" , set it to 0.01

    Reducing number of headlight in effect
    search for " "Max Headlights":256, "
    I have this set to 20 (change 256 to 20) plenty enough and saves fps


    Info on pixel density
    (pixel super sample ) setting

    The pixel density setting is really setting the pc to output the resolution below
    (notice going from the default of 1.0 to 2.00 is double the amounts of pixels being processed by the PC)

    example :

    1.0 is no uplift (standard resolution)
    1.5 is +50% extra pixels being processed
    2.0 is double amount of pixels being processed
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  2. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  3. tiffarno

    tiffarno Registered

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Thanks in advance!
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  4. Narrowbackwing

    Narrowbackwing Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Yes , good call Adrian , perfect timing .
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  5. museumsteve

    museumsteve Registered

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Wow what a long road this seems to have been but finally we're here and today is the day. To say I'm excited is an understatement.
    I look forward to visiting this page regularly, thanks Adrian :)
  6. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    So is all this stuff in the vid necessary ? and is it recommended ?
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  7. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Win10 optimisation not necessary, although some one on the iracing forum did this & experience slightly better performance , I'm going to do it later as it's quick & easy
  8. whip

    whip Registered

    Apr 25, 2017
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    2ndLastJedi and Adrianstealth like this.
  9. whip

    whip Registered

    Apr 25, 2017
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    you dont have to go through all these unnecessary steps, you don't need to go changing nvidia settings or anything unless you come across specific problems, just load up the game, change settings like you normally would for looks/performance compromise like any non vr game, changing pixel density to you preferred number is the only step needed IF you want it, its normally an option in game or an ini file

    ppl get way too hung up and go through all this pointless stuff for no reason
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  10. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Agreed don't have to do the optimisations to win10 suggestion -edited above post

    This has solved certain performance issues for some though, I'll leave the vid in post just in case it helps anyone
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  11. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yep agree, keep everything simple and just alter the in game settings only from the start. When you're happy with them then move onto Supersampling & Pixels Per Display and all that other stuff if you want too.
    Not forgetting this will be in a Beta state for some time so performance optimisations are likely to come with each future update (RRE a very good example of this), so don't waste too much time faffing with settings now, just get it comfortable and enjoy the experience is my advice.
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  12. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I find time and time again
    That PC users set to high then constantly moan about the software

    Anti Anilising in supersample mode is a big one -people like to run this ....it destroys PC performance

    A VR setup needs attention to detail when it comes to setting things up right,
    running a PC well within its limits is key , I'm sure even with all settings at min ( but an uplift in pixel density/super sample if possible ) will still give brill experience

    VR users should try to overclock where possible , I've previously cut holes in pc cases and mounted large extraction fans ( most consumer pc cases imo have poor cooling ) , I use a self built case now, every little bit helps

    All just my own opinion, I'm sure others can add a lot of useful info here , soon in will be rfactor 2 specific too hopefully
  13. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    A VR settings thread is very useful! The VR settings thread in iracing forum for example helped me a lot to get good/optimal results.
  14. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    So setting pixel density in the oculus debug tool does not work? I have to do it as indicated above?
  15. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    It's also in SteamVR Settings now which does work.
    The Iron Wolf likes this.
  16. whip

    whip Registered

    Apr 25, 2017
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    the only advice i'd give is to oculus owners, start steam vr and disable the steam vr reprojection options under performance, oculus has its own version which will work automatically even when games are using openvr
  17. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Oculus owners also need to set the room scale in SteamVR, if that's offset your driving position will be as well.
  18. whip

    whip Registered

    Apr 25, 2017
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    nah all driving games have a reset head position hotkey option
    Christian Wolter and blanes like this.
  19. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yes but you need to set the room scale in SteamVR, merely setting the in game hotkey will still leave you at an angle if the SteamVR room scale is offset, trust me I'm in the private beta I've tested it :)
    museumsteve likes this.
  20. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Registered

    Feb 20, 2016
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    How do you know this? Note I am just curious.
    How to set roomscale, and what difference does it make?

    Thanks guys!

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