I think it's a great news.
Thanks for the post! I also just whipped together a quick video talking about it Exciting time for rF2 definitely. Seems that S397 is really working on their vision:
Sounds awesome! Sure in real life i rather watch petrol engines, but a whole series F-E in rF2 sounds super.
Whilst this is undoubtedly a Coup in the Sim World for Studio397 by obtaining the license for one of the fastest growing forms of "motor"sport (if they're the only ones that is of course!), it doesn't excite me personally that much. I've admittedly only caught a few moments of the racing here and there but from what I've read and heard from others it's not great, maybe if it grows further it may become something I might watch more often....if they get rid of 'Fan Boost' then that would help! Either way it's great for S397, Merc quitting DTM to focus on it, Porsche quitting LMP1 and possibly doing the same, the time is just right to get involved so good luck to all and I hope it works out very well
Congratulations Studio397. I think it is a clever move considering what is going on. Now go for the DTM!!!
I'm pretty sure it won't sound awesome (wink,wink). Great news for RF2 and development going forward though.
Firstly, I sincerely want to thank all @Studio397 for finally bringing this series to RF2, I can only wish all the very best for their endeavours Secondly, I would just like to inform you that I without doubt purchase this addition and will continue to support @Studio397! I have a few questions for which I hope can be answered... 1. In viewing the eSports events using RF2 a the base sim; and obviously the developed Add On for those events, does that mean that you will be using that version (albeit modified further)...? 2. In relation to the above question; with what seems the tracks specifically are already created, what is the target release date for this addition? 3. When will the Official announcement be released? If any of those questions can be answered, it would of course be greatly appreciated @Stuart Jeffrey - I'm pretty new to the forum in relation to participation, however this FE addition has caught my attention in a profound way. Forgive me but, what role are you associated with? (That is if you are part of Studio397). @Studio397 - I am an avid fan of Formula E, and will be watching and eagerly awaiting the arrival of this product. Many thanks in advance!
Nooooo there's a whole lotta petrol cars that would probably attract new members better than these milk floats,Yes it's cool to have the whole roster but formula e hasn't been that welcomed in real life,can't expect the same in game,pls give me a fire breathing petrol guzzling pollution emitting snowflake melting racing car lol
Not too sure this is for "us". I mean it might be available to us but maybe its done as a bigger deal outside of the civilian sphere. Anything that brings the studio resources is good in my book.
Each to their own I guess... However, I for one will be making the purchase as A: It's the 1st Official product of the series and B: IMHO @ Studio397 hasn't let me down so far! If this gets the treatment I think it's going to receive, then I have all the faith in Studio 397 to deliver Also, if you do your research you'll find Formula E is more popular than you imagine...I just can't wait for it!
I did the research. Your post was ambiguous and said actually nothing. In 2016 (4% wrt F1 audience) This year's figures don't seem very impressive. It has been broadcasted free to air in UK's channel 5.
I'm not wanting to participate in a lengthy and pointless debate about viewing figures. Formula E has improved and has only grown with time...give it 2/3/4 More years and it'll be cemented as a 'real' racing Formula. Formula One started in a similar way and only grew with time... Like I said, it's one's own preference. I have interest in all forms of motorsport, and i just think Formula E has rightly earned it's place. I have been following F1 since 1982 and will continue to do so. Formula E is an entirely newish concept, and of which audiences have to adjust. I have to admit initially my thoughts weren't that enthusiastic towards the series - However over time, I've really enjoyed the racing and technical side equally so. Formula One in technical terms isn't that far away from FE at present...
I wonder if the tracks will be laser scanned, & most of the work goes into what's inside those barriers like track surface/ textures and actual track detail (character in surface) & the pretty much irrelevant visual stuff on the outside of track barriers is just fps friendly basic
We already know that you run all the tracks in low detail in order to use your VR device at a decent framerate. However, most people will try to recognise the track they see in TV and certainly appreciate what lays outside the barriers as in the rest of the rF2 track team published tracks. Most FE tracks are not permanent but street circuits delimited by walls and pianos which can be several centimeters away one year from the other. I don't expect S397 changing their way of building tracks which has proven accurate for licensed tracks. Furthermore, you have also criticized every 3rd party track modder who is offering his work for free that hasn't taken the time or simply doesn't know how to properly configure Low Detail setting. You could learn how to fix this issue yourself and offer it to the original creator, who will probably be very appreciative of your collaboration. It is quite an easy job to do, actually.
I'm not a fan of Formula E but it's great that they're getting a real series in the game. The future seems bright for rFactor, here's hoping that there will be more content like this to come in the future years.
After being fortunate enough to attend the FE round at Battersea park a couple of years a go I've been hooked. It's spectacular. The racing, the tech, the ability to actually overtake. I've been wishing for an official FE mod/dlc for year. Very happy over here.