rFactor 2 Now on Steam

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by 88mphTim, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. buddhatree

    buddhatree Registered

    Dec 22, 2011
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    Unsubscribe to the content you don't want in the workshop. When you re-launch rF2, it will sync with the workshop and uninstall whatever you're not subscribed to.

    Mods and tracks that you add manually, you will still be able to uninstall like normal, but workshop items must be unsubscribed and they uninstall automatically.
  2. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Correct but ISI contents will stay there cached on your disk...so in my opinion this is pretty much useless if your goal is to avoid the presence of a ISI content on your disk. They'll be downloaded and they'll stay there.

    Also if you have race events/vmods calling for those contents I guess they'll be back at the launch and re-subscribed.
  3. Ozzy

    Ozzy Registered

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Its called BETA but I think it can be used for anything. Like DCS does with "The last 32-bit version".
  4. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Again; if you want to hack your installation running legacy, rolling back, using old builds or whatever, stay on the NON STEAM version. Nothing will change for you. Easy Peasy.
  5. Euskotracks

    Euskotracks Registered

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Regarding the fact about sticking to latest build.

    Many leagues take some testing time before adopting a new build.

    The reason for this is very simple. From time to time a released build has shown important bugs or problems making it impossible to use.

    Latest one was build 998. Several people in our touring car league reported freezing issues which made it unplayable. This issues disappeared with build 1008. Other issues were reported by my colleagues in our F1 league. They also moved away after one race full of problems.

    I will just put this example in order to prove that big bugs are not something of the past.

    In our league people pay a fee to compete in the championships. We need to guarantee that they have the best possible experience. Up to today sticking to the latest build was not the best option for doing that.

    I hope that ISI reinforces the testing prior to releasing a new build now it has moved to steam.
    In the short term leagues will maintain their philosophy. However, we cannot shut the door to the new people coming through steam. Eventually we will have to stick to the latest build.
    If a big bug appears we might have to cancel our delay races. This is not a beta as Tuttle has reminded several times in this thread. Remember that before releasing a new build. I am a customer, not a betatester.

    Other titles are in steam for sure. I wonder if AC, which I have but don't use, happens to ever release some buggy update with showstoppers. If it has happened, it would be interesting to know how long it took for a fix to come.

    Hopefully as well, there will be some criteria regarding the day of the week and hour of the day when updates are released. Prime time in Europe and USA should be avoided. It would not be nice having to update everything 5 minutes prior to a scheduled race.

    For leagues I would say steam brings more risks than advantages at the moment.

    Enviado desde mi GT-I9505 mediante Tapatalk
  6. Hectari

    Hectari Registered

    Oct 5, 2012
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    As has already been said by many others, it's absolutely a no-brainer to make use of the betas function on steam to make older builds available. That is, if ISI want to properly support leagues to use Steam or make use of the Steam playerbase. People shouldn't have to avoid Steam just to run in a certain league that will make use of old builds for good reason. It's an avoidable fracture to the community.

    I'm happy to own both Steam and non-steam, but many others will have only one or the other and it will be detrimental to rF2. A lot of leagues could benefit from all of the new players that Steam brings.

    I just launched rF2 through Steam and opened up online to look at the servers on the in-game matchmaker(same as non-steam rF2) and sorting the servers by players online, of the servers that have at least 1 driver online there are 25 servers running on old builds and 9 of those aren't passworded. Compare that to 27 servers with at least 1 driver on the current build, 13 of which are not passworded.
  7. McFlex

    McFlex Registered

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Yes for the non-Steam users everything may stay "save" but not for those who bought it through steam. How should we as league admins handle with those people in future? Are we forced to lock out those people when we decide to not move the the current build? Don't you think that this will damage the reputation of rF2? Don't get me wrong, i really like rF2 and right now i won't organize a series with any other sim out there but i have to admit that the move to steam like it has happend could have more negative than positive effects i future, especially if new builds aren't tested more before they are released. Sometimes i think that our group of admins (3) put more time i testing a new build than ISI does.

    I am just a concerned league admin how doesn't want to iron out the faults of ISI when i comes up to new builds. I just don't want to exclude someone out of our league just because he bought rF2 on steam.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2015
  8. Eddy

    Eddy Registered

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Maybe this vid will clear things up h2h

  9. mixer61

    mixer61 Registered

    Dec 26, 2011
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    If I buy the version from 47.99€ today, the version which I have at present in 5 installations remains valid (so on-line)?
  10. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Sure, go ahead! :)

    Since you are not asking for a license translation, all your previous license will stay there, as well for installations. ;)

  11. Paul Fenwick

    Paul Fenwick Registered

    Sep 23, 2015
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    Call me dumb but can I migrate my non steam one year membership to steam and the just pay the 8.99 to buy a years online? Or do I have buy the full game?
  12. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Well its been 12 hours now since I submitted form and still no steam key email response.

    Emailed support 9 hours ago and no joy.

    Edit: Tim is onto it :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2015
  13. Justy

    Justy Registered

    Oct 26, 2013
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    I think I read somewhere, that there's a limit on how many Steam keys they can send per day.
  14. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Well, if i try the form again it claims a key has already been assigned.
  15. DocJones

    DocJones Registered

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I absolutely concur with the concerns voiced by euskotracks, hectari and mcflex. As a league admin I currently see more problems coming to us than benefits when it comes to rF2 on steam. Mainly so because the last couple of builds had some major flaws resulting in anything but a smooth league experience for our drivers in the last months. Am I the only one remembering that interview from a year+ ago with isi staff that promised us more solid builds? I wish I felt different, but administrating our leagues in the past months wasn't much fun but lots of problems and grief instead. If we can't stick to older builds and as a league be open to steam users this is a major problem.
  16. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Assuming Steam users and regular users can all see each other online and race together seamlessly, why is there any pressure to go Steam!?!?!?!?! It's just a great way for new customers to get the sim and keep it up to date. The geeks who have been hanging around this forum for years don't need it. Am I missing something?
  17. DocJones

    DocJones Registered

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Yes, you are missing the part where in the future new drivers with a steam version of rF2 already bought want to join our league and we have to tell them it's not possible because they have no way of racing build xy that we feel best suited for our league at the time because of the most recent bug in the lastest build. More thorougly tested builds and/or quicker hotfix deliveries could solve that issue, but honestly I gave up given past experiences. Atm our best way of dealing with the situation is to hold back when a new build comes out. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is.
    (And yes, rF2 despite that is still the best sim around.)
  18. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    a lot of nostradamus' on here isn't there :p
  19. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    I thought you could set it under properties to not update the game?
  20. AlanBernardo

    AlanBernardo Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    What do you think?

    Say you just try to move to Steam and see what happens?

    Once that's done, you'll have your answer.

    Why would you think you'd need to buy the game over again?

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