I'd like to see a summary of all the issues somewhere and I don't mean technical issues getting Steam to function on its own but more issues like league / forced updates, splitting of community, workshop vs launcher, forced content etc. Very hard to imagine this won't impact everyone in the long run despite what naive may think. Best to be honest and upfront about it and get feedback from community on how to solve these problems or, more likely, make the right trade off decisions as there are clearly many trade offs and even more to come in the long run. The worst part of all is that there appears to be not a single benefit to Steam. And i didn't even mention how distracting this must all be despite ISI expecting to be turn key because using a consultant lol.
On Steam go to the rFactor 2 community hub and click on Guides, then click the Workshop category, this one is in there: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=553110627 Also while in rF2 Workshop you'll then see a Discussions tab, where you can ask for help which someone already did here(there are 2 Discussions buttons, one above(rF2 Community discussions) the rF2 logo and one below(for rF2 Workshop): http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/discussions/-1/496881136909723107/?appid=365960
Here are some of the advantages that Steam install brings. If you look at random rF2 chat over the past years, lack of Steam support is one of the most often mentioned complaints, along with DX11/VR support. ISI responded to the community and now they get crap for an updating policy set by Steam itself. I assume league community is happy playing the latest version of iRacing, AC or pCars, because I don't hear the same complaints from iRacing users forced to update to latest version. The only reason there are complaints now is because it used to be different with rF2 allowing old versions. None of this has any impact on the average user, there are one or two endurance leagues that will have to work around a couple of bugs, that's it.
I don't know, do you have Standard or Lifetime ? How will Steam work with Standard/ Lifetime ? For those who do not buy or have Lifetime, you will need to buy online access through Steam. We will not offer Lifetime upgrades (from ‘Offline’) on Steam. We are also planning to stop doing Standard to Lifetime upgrades for the non-Steam version soon. Lifetime non-Steam users get a Lifetime steam key.
You can see the number of people subscribed to any ISI content. This will give you a fairly accurate digit of the total number of people installed rF2. Right now 2.863 persons.
how are mods added the steam workshop? I cant find any info on it. Is it through rF2 steam version of the game?
no, go to the workshop itself on the rfactor 2 community hub. You don't have to have the game to see them.
A few posts above yours is my post about this or click this http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/27073-rFactor-2-Now-on-Steam?p=398011&viewfull=1#post398011
The guide that I linked really deserves it's own thread in the news & notifications section so that all modders can find this info easily.
Just purchased my Steam Lifetime version of rF2 and it seems to look and run better than my existing install of 3 or so years...although my existing install has had many mods come and go through it, and I will continue to use it for trying out mods etc and just keep the Steam version as a pure virgin Sim with the ISI updates...lol...nothing like a fresh install.
can some one help to me.. i moved my nonsteam (without suscrb) to steam.. but i do not buy in steam 1 year for it.. now i desided to buy another one for me with lifetime.. but steam says that i cant cause i got one (game)... so how to delete rf2 that i moved to steam and buy rf2 with lifetime???
Two issues with the Steam Version: 1. Instead of my profile name, it shows "Your Nickname" as my name. 2. Video rez works perfectly in stand alone. In Steam Version, I cannot zoom out far enough. Set to 1920X1080 @32bit. Great offline. Appears lower rez with everything bigger on the screen. No changes to my computer, video card, and it's the most updated driver. Works different in the offline version than Steam. Any ideas?
All he needs to do is buy the online thing. He doesn't have to repurchase the game, unless of course he's going for lifetime.
Last question is... Will I still be able to convert 200 days from now when my non-Steam online runs out?
Why would you not be able to unless I am misunderstanding something here? If I am missing something then I apologise in advance, I am also wondering why bother wasting your time asking things like this! Unless they withdraw the Steam version for some mystery reason the answer must be yes surely.
It could be a limited time offer thing so it is a fair question. Lots of folks have their renewal sub running out next June-August and moving to Steam anytime before would forfeit their renewal expense.