RF2 Shootemup

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pits, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Pits

    Pits Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    I think since RF2 is mentioned in the title I can post :)

    I'd like to put a Kill-em-Quik/Shoot-em-Up game on our ORA Server, instead of pit-row Beat-em-Ups after a race it would help to calm down a situation to run one of these games to "unwind" later in the night

    I'm thinking of a game that's a couple of years old and an easy to kill with no waiting to come alive.

    Any ideas plz?, Ideas related to the above would be good, ideas like "gee this is a RF2 Forum not halflife" although would be accurate wouldn't be helpful.

    Can you see the FunFactor in this, there are many I'd like to smak :)

    Lots of smileys going on, they were needed :)

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