rF2 Endurance Pack DLC

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by rf2wec, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. rf2wec

    rf2wec Registered

    Mar 9, 2016
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    we have a problem installing our league skins update to the 397 DLC endurance pack on the steam cmd dedicated server install of rf2 using the mod manager. The rf2 dedicated server is installed using the steam cmd and it works fine with everything else we install onto it. We followed the instructions off your support post about server bin keys and how to get them onto your dedicated server and that worked and the 397 DLC works fine on it, The problem is it wont update to our skins pack version on the server. The skins pack is packed up correct and works fine on the clients steam install of rf2, but when we try to update it on the dedicated server with the mod manager it wont update. It puts a folder with the same number as the 397 update into the folder like it made a copy Here is what it looks like: 1.26 (1) We did pack everything up correct following your post and tested it on the clients rf2 install and we even tested it on the clients install of rf2 dedicate server part of it and it works fine. It seems to not work on the stand alone steam cmd install of rf2 dedicated server, Is there a fix for this problem?
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Does your update have a different number?

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