Replays in car sounds level same that other cars sounds

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by TheDog6, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. TheDog6

    TheDog6 Registered

    Jan 1, 2011
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    If you set other cars sounds level at 0% and then you go to replay, there are not sounds of your own car at all. Probably not a bug and on purpose done for a smaller size of the replay file, but overall the result is disappointing. (I mean, set at 0% only to check the issue, the very fact that the sounds are at the same level is disappointing, you can't so check well your driving). (Unless I am as usual wrong and I'm doing something bad, sorry).
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Sounds aren't saved in the replay file, they are generated live based on the mod sound files and the rpm etc which are all in the replay file (always). I think you're saying opponent sounds on 0% makes your own car silent in the replay, either because all cars are silent in the replay with that setting, or because your car isn't the 'player car' in the replay and the only one making a noise is that other car - though this seems unlikely especially for offline. So the bug would appear to be that the currently viewed car should be given normal volume, while others have the opponent volume, but instead they are all adjusted as opponents... ?

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