[RELEASE] Nordschleife Tourist v1.65 beta

Discussion in 'Locations' started by pleclair, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Back on topic......

    Just had the time to test out the new version and I am very pleased! Well done Pleclair, allot of things came together and its frigging sweet man!

    One minor note, apart from some lines indeed not being aligned, not sure if this was already in the orginal track but at least now its more noticeable (by me anyways) is that the default barriers only show on one side. the correct side (obviously)
    However, I often see barriers popup out of nowhere and it turns out I was looking at them from the backside, only to popup once my pov reached the front side.

    A minor issue and easily disregarded but maybe good to know for you encase you get bored and wonder what else you could be doing :p

    They do popup allot though and in replays its even more obvious, basically whole sections of barrier not there because the camera angle is facing it from the wrong angle.

    Anyways, well pleased with your efforts so far, the hard work is really showing off and I aint checked in HDR yet either. keep it up mate :)
  2. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    That's about what is happening, yes :) Right now, I don't have the modelling skills to build it from scratch, so that's why I take what is available and try to do my best with it.

    Oh, please, tell me more! Is it in gMaterial Tools? If not, what script should I look for? I just went again thru all the buttons in gmat tools, and doesnt seems there is such a feature in there. But again, I'm only familiar with about 25% of what's in there.

    That would help speed this up considerably, if I could manage to pull many vertices at once.

    Regarding the progress, its been slow and steady tho.

    Since I always start my work at the paddock, so its easy for me to know when I'm done a full lap, I did some work on the paddock area itself. The tarmac is much smoother, and the mesh is up to rf2 standards now. It looks much better, the tarmac had some rough edges in this area.

    While I'll be at it, I'm gonna improve the curbs detaching a bit... When I first detached them, I had a good zoom in, but not max, and thought that I had it perfectly cut, but when I got in game, it wasnt so. So I'll be cutting that inch or so that is extra on some curbs models.

    So from the paddock, I'm now at the first corner, down the slope.

    Here is what the old mesh looked like (as in 0.96 and below, the road mesh of 0.96 is smoother, but doesnt change much visually, but the work I'm doing isnt on the road mesh, but its surroundings).

    View attachment 9618

    And here is this new part right now

    View attachment 9619

    I'm trying to match the edges of the different objects, cause originally, a lot werent lining up nicely. So I'm trying to fix that as much as I can for the near track sides.

    Now, every vertex is positioned with snap to edges on, and zoomed in max to be most precise.

    I can't wait to hear which script from mario's will allow me to do this faster! Is it something easy to figure out once I'll know which script does it? If you feel I could do better with some explanations, I would be very grateful if you can give some.
  3. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    Regarding the barrier, I noticed that just yesterday as well.

    The thing is, up until 0.95, I had kept everything not scenery from the 0.80 (which was converted by 3dsimed, and done mostly with it).

    Now with 0.95 and up, I managed to import all into 3dsmax, but some mats didnt imported right. I looked at 3dsimed to build them again in 3dsmax, but some things are harder to figure... might be the two sided material things...

    I'll be looking in this matter in due time, no worries :)

    So in 0.95, all objects have been exported from 3dsmax. Well most of them, like 95%.

    There are a couple of glitches with solid shadow on some objects where it should requires textured shadows. Will be looking at this as well.
  4. ZeosPantera

    ZeosPantera Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    One man can do the track just fine. We just all need to be patient and respect his dedication and abilities.

    The FOV on that GTR-E track hides all the imperfections. Can't even tell it is the ring!
  5. PorscheMR6

    PorscheMR6 Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Good observation.
    I've seen that on quite a few other tracks as well.
    I think it's a game issue not a track issue.
  6. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    If you mean the shadows bug then yes, I`ve seen that too on other tracks now you mention it so it could be a game issue possibly.

    The lines bug I`ve not seen in any other tracks, especially ISI tracks...
  7. PorscheMR6

    PorscheMR6 Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    i meant the shadow bug.
  8. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    As I've explained in my previous post, since 0.95, all objects are exported from 3dsmax, where as from 0.80 to 0.91, only the race surface was from 3dsmax, everything else was the same objects from 0.80, converted by 3dsimed.

    Importing in 3dsmax, with the importer (I didnt had the v2 at the time, which I think does a better job at it), resulted in lots of mats being unassigned.

    The wires that appears as a block, is coming from the fact that I've overlooked to assign it textured shadow, and it only got solid shadows.

    There might be other track side objects that have this behavior, I'll need to double check this.

    Regarding the shadows popping, the trees have their shadows set to 2000 meters or so I believe. I'll go over this later on when I do the shadow group and optimize each region... this is likely happening in area where trees are a little over 2000 meters, but come to 2000 meters at some point, so you may see them appearing and disappearing quickly since they are far away...

    Or could be something else... could also be possible that some trees havent got their shadows set properly, and are using defaultish settings.

    I tried to find what settings were needed for no shadows or objects popping, and this is pretty close... there is some, but overall the popping isnt as bad as it was originally.
  9. Lynkk

    Lynkk Registered

    Nov 8, 2011
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    No it's a script you add to 3DS Max, it's a plugin, an addon, or an app for 3DS Max; a script :p

    Anyway it's on Mario's website:

    What you can do with this scripts is snap the vertex from two differents objects. For instance you select the vertex from the sides of the roads and you select the target, the vertex from the roads. That's it! (They snap, they don't weld, which is good for rF2).

    If you want to find more scripts from Mario, you can see his threads here:

    Also, If you have some problem with the elevation, you could fix it with one of his scripts. Basically you take one spline with the correct elevation (the center of the roads/track) and you tell the track to follow it. Then you use the PointsTools script to fix connect the track sides to the roadsurface.
  10. Mario Morais

    Mario Morais Registered

    Oct 26, 2010
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    The fix elevation by a spline is only in SplineTrackMaker.. not for a mesh
  11. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    I had donated already to Mario's prior to receiving my parts, but I waited to receive the parts and install them to send him my machine id code to get the reg file.

    After seeing your first post, it remembered me to email him to get the reg files for his scripts. Also asked him about which script was moving verts, and he mentioned Points Tools. Fair enough!

    I just tried it, and holy crap... I'm just reallllllllllllllllly happy to have found this relatively early on! It will save me (us) a gazillion time! I just cant believe this! I just aligned a whole row of verts for an whole objects to the verts of the racing surface! Would have taken me, I dunno 30 mins or more to do it by hand! Took few seconds now!


    I'm really happy!

    On a side note, when doing the paddock yesterday, after smoothing the surface, the texture looked like crap... it was all distorted, since that mesh is really bad... I dunno if its the way these kind of objects are made, but it just doesnt look right to me. I tried to do it otherwise, but no good success. The best I could do was reimport, unsmoothed by the importer, weld the verts, quadrify it, tessellate twice, and then smooth. The result is nice to drive on, and looks good, but I think the mesh is weird, but the object is very complex, as its sitting on a weird slope.

    So what I wanted to say was, I was able to uvw unwrap the object, and retexture it properly so it doesnt show these weird patterns.

    This is just a beginning, but its a start! That means I might be able to change the grass, road, and some more textures in due time :)

    Thanks for mentioning Points Tools to me, it just boosted my motivation 100 times! I wasnt going to let it down, since I know how much you guys are loving it, but it was killing motivation, since progress was going from meters to meters (and there is 20000 meters in Nords :p) I'll still have a couple things to do to prepare the objects to use points tools on, like increasing the resolution of the side mesh to match track, and so on, but this is easy compared to moving each verts one by one, at max zoom... I was looking for a zoom max shortcut key, but couldnt find none... so I was using 10m zoom increment on mouse wheel, to zoom in and out faster!
  12. Lynkk

    Lynkk Registered

    Nov 8, 2011
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    Maybe you can add vertex to the spline and use the Point Tools...?
  13. Mario Morais

    Mario Morais Registered

    Oct 26, 2010
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    to snap points ( line points and mesh vertex) yes PointTools can do it.
  14. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    Hmmm, seems like it didnt worked quite right.

    Some verts ended up fine, those that were already really close, but those a bit further away (well, its only cracks, so when zoomed in max, it looks big, but they are still small) arent moving properly.

    What I did was, select the border row of vertices on the racesurface objects in front of the curbs I was trying to align to it, and set this to source verts, like this:

    View attachment 9627

    Then I went into verts sub mode on the curbs, selected the row of verts next to the road like this:

    View attachment 9628

    And here is the result after pressing move vertices:

    View attachment 9629

    For a very few vertices, it worked, but for the most part, it didnt. Probably something I didnt understood or did correctly.

    Any ideas?
  15. Mario Morais

    Mario Morais Registered

    Oct 26, 2010
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    looks all fine the "MovetoVerts" move the selected points to SourcePoints by closest point.
  16. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    But it doesnt snap the vertices together, like Lynkk mentioned?

    Cause there is still a gap, and if I'd leave this alone, a crack would still show up in game.
  17. Mario Morais

    Mario Morais Registered

    Oct 26, 2010
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    The tool works something is not right..

    All objects must be EditablePoly..
  18. o0thx11380o

    o0thx11380o Registered

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Keep up the great work pleclair. I sent you a donation yesterday and a private message here on the forums. Let me know if you didn't receive the money from paypal and I will look into it. :)

    BUG REPORT: Yesterday I was playing with the latest version of the track and I found an odd bug. For some reason when I tried to drive the track with the new ISI Camaro it was stuck at spawn and I couldn't get it to move. I think the back end of the car was clipping into the sidewalk or something. Anyway its not a huge deal but please look into it when you get a chance as id love to be able to drive the Camaro :)
  19. Mario Morais

    Mario Morais Registered

    Oct 26, 2010
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    How to use "movetoPoints"
  20. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    Ok, I get it...

    The vertex to be moved must be pretty much in front of the source vertex... otherwise it messes up the moving for the vertex, and subsequent ones (depending on how far it is...) so I must line up the edges on the curbs nicely to the track mesh before using the move verts.

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