Rejoin bug Endurance mod

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Balazs Kiss, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. Balazs Kiss

    Balazs Kiss Registered

    Mar 6, 2019
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    First of all the facts to clearify what is my problem:
    I driven the Aston Martin Vantage GTE car at CFEG 12h Le Mans.
    The race started with dry track/ weather, so we (my mate) started with soft compound and wing 3.
    When I driven the car, there was a heavy rain. Of course I choosed the wet compound more wing to rear (6).
    After approximately 25 minutes I had screen freezee.

    I dunno why, maybe a game bug too or my 660 ti @ low graphics wasn't enough. (Later then everything was fine, my game doesn't freezed out, however I drove 2 hours more after this incident)

    So...after the freeze out, I rejoined to the game. I got my car back with soft compound and wing 3, however I used wet tyres and wing 6 before freezing out, so I must drive a whole lap on heavy rain on soft tyres, which is absolutely bug I think. I should have gotten back my wet tyres and wing 6.

    I requested a pit, on my pit menu, I CANNOT change my wings from 3 to 6. It was fixed to 3 by the game.
    I think it's a bug too, so we must swap drivers, because only my mate could change the wings, when he pitted. I couldn't do that.

    Thanks in advance.
    B. Gant likes this.
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Your experience is similar to others online. I thought S397 had tried to fix this with a patch a couple of months ago. Apparently they have not gotten all the issues resolved.
    B. Gant likes this.
  3. Balazs Kiss

    Balazs Kiss Registered

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Honestly, It's a sad thing.
    that screen freezee, Is it a bug too? or just my gpu is not enough ?
  4. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    screen freezes, trying to remember their bug report from last winter, I think were caused by drivers rejoining who had alternate tuning settings. i.e. One driver had the Le Mans aero package and the 2nd driver had a regular aero. One of the Roadmaps covered this in detail, I think it was around July or August of 2019. You might want to dig back through those to see if anything they discussed resembles your problems. and YES, your gpu is barely adequate, especially at the newer laser scanned tracks like Sebring, Le Mans or Nords.
    best of luck. I was just watching a video steam of a 24hr lan event (everyone in the same gymnasium with actual cockpits) rF2 was performing magnificently there. I hope you can solve this.
  5. Balazs Kiss

    Balazs Kiss Registered

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Thanks. Got it. My plan is buying a new 2060 S gpu in next month, Screen freezee is a one thing, but there was also a setup bug.
    In this case that was my main problem.

    When I rejoined to the track I must got back my setup. Which I set, when I started my stint, not my mate's who started the whole race in dry conditions. That was a screwed up situation.
    I think it's a "must" repair bug.
    There was a plenty of teams who's race screwed up just like that. This extra lap just for wet tires, and after that my mate has to do an extra pit to set a higher wing cost a lot of time. If I calculate the time lose, I think it was almost a one lap @ Le Mans.
  6. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    The server has to be well configured to force the cars to mantain the setup in case of rejoin. This is working perfectly.

    In the multiplayer.json:
    "Race Rejoin":3,
    "Race Rejoin#":"Whether disconnected players can rejoin a race session: 0=no 1=yes with fresh vehicle 2=yes with vehicle in same physical condition 3=yes including setup",

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