Released Reiza Pack Out Now!

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. dazzer

    dazzer Registered

    Feb 3, 2018
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    woow great great great :D
  2. TheGame316

    TheGame316 Registered

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I am sure that S397 have enquired with modders if they would have been interested in selling content. I mean the new DLC program really could be considered an extension of the 3PA project. How did that work out? We now have content that won't be updated to current standards for various reasons, fragmenting the quality of official content.
    You also have a scenario where a quality modder may have been approached, yet chooses to keep their content free and available to all. You think it would suck for the guy paying licenses and labour costs, it would be gutting to the guy that created quality free content to have it restricted.

    Third party paid content so far? Well KartSim seems to not get much of a mention here, with someone asking in November "Will we ever get an update?" and this pack that all Reiza backers have been telling us all will be perfection has quite a few bugs already. Worst case scenario, Renato and Reiza may decide tomorrow that rF2 is not the path they choose and this content never gets updated. Would S397 step in and fix bugs? Using the 3PA program as precedent I would hazard to guess no, although negative feedback due to being paid content may force their hand.

    This is not an attack on Reiza; they like all modders have to get used to a system that in some ways is similar to what they know, but in others vastly different. The difference lies in that Reiza have access to the up to date knowledge and tools that the modders do not. Personally, I have spent the last 2 years just getting my head around the physics spreadsheet and tyre creation; and I am nowhere near an expert.

    Ideally, up to date documentation, example files and spreadsheets; or at minimum update one of the many free official items and leave it unlocked. This could allow some of these very talented people that choose to keep their content free help with some of the issues that constantly seem to pop up. You could also see some modders bring some of this old official content up to current standards(at the very least, graphically) and submit to S397 to become an official update.
    Restrict this information and restricting alternative free versions and you lose all of that talent as contributors, and possibly as users as well.

    Another issue I see arising from all of these paid content packs is fragmentation of the player base. Take the following scenario once the Ring track pack is released: An endurance race on Nordschleife with GT3, GTE and Prototypes including the protos from the Reiza pack. That means you would need to purchase 5 packs to drive 1 vehicle around 1 track. Until(and hopefully they can work this out for the new competition system) they adopt an iracing style of content distribution (where not all content needs to be purchased to race on a particular server) I see this fragmentation restricting the growth of the platform.
    pkelly and D.Painter like this.
  3. Nitrometh

    Nitrometh Registered

    Dec 28, 2014
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    Pack looks ok for me. I really prayed for some drift cars. The last official cars I drifted were the cars in nfs u2 years ago. :D
  4. LokiD

    LokiD Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    Hmm Interesting thoughts there. For starters being a reiza backer I never said it will be perfect, hell I had queries unanswered before this went live. It's good but nothings perfect.

    Regarding your post I especially like the idea of unlocking older isi cars to moddera to update. I think that's a fantastic idea. But the problem I think there is licensing. So they would have to be debadged and renamed and with that another fake car in the good list of unofficial content..
  5. D.Painter

    D.Painter Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    When read in context merely suggest the mod/s would be better, less bugs than they actually have in order to ask the question about getting them not only fixed but also having these mods updated when necessary, rF2 updates, changes to format that may cause these mod/s to no long be compatible not being S397 content. Being paid DLC .

    Not that it "should" be perfect because they said so. No one would expect total perfection as this is unachievable in any field.

    Again to not read out off context the suggestion was for 3P modders to update the older ISI mods/tracks up to the current rF2 features and then be released back as official content in order to help get these mods up to date and get the work load off the S397 team/s. Licensing would not be affected as it would be just bringing old licensed content up to current standards were they are once again usable.

    But in saying that, there are already acceptations were the ISI licensed cars are used in other mods with permission. Even cases where ISI cars have been converted to Asetto Corsa with permission as I understand it.
  6. Cangrejo

    Cangrejo Registered

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Very happy with the mod. Even so, I think there are cars like fvee that are more fun and feel better in ams. Maybe they need some retouching on the part of reiza to adapt to rf2.
  7. Stefan_L_01

    Stefan_L_01 Registered

    Nov 18, 2012
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    How do the cars do fit into the s397 gtm/gte pack? I mean the protos as the rest is probably useless anyway in the long run except for a few fun races.
    Heck I do not understand the purpose of that content.
    Imola is is welcome however
  8. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Everything in simracing does not revolve around GT3/GTE. There's more to it than driving a GT3 at Spa or Monza over and over.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2019
    Kelju_K, Jason Whited, ADSTA and 14 others like this.
  9. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    are helmet and driver templates available?
  10. Flatspotter

    Flatspotter Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Nice job, Reiza. My only complaint so far is that the side mirrors aren't independently adjustable. Please fix this!
  11. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Rastas got you covered, my dude. He knows better what drifting content he has though. :)
    Nitrometh likes this.
  12. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    MetalMoro AJR mini-review

    I'm quite familiar with the AJR in AMS. It is one of my favorite car.

    I spent a few hours driving in rF2 the AJR (The Judd V10 variant, the fastest of the bunch) on 2 tracks I'm familiar with in AMS (Bathurst, Road Atlanta) and one that is in rF2 and not in AMS (Matsusaka - aka Suzuka).
    I must say I'm really impressed in the translation of this car in rF2: it is very familiar and recognizable in term of physics yet having its distinct personality in both sims. It challenging at the limit, but not identical due to the different physic engines. I'd say that it requires a bit more attention in curbs in rF2.

    I cannot say I definitely prefer one version or the other: I like them both. I do like the updated car model and proper car collisions in rF2 though. I like the cohesiveness and immersiveness of AMS and its vivid color palette for tracks. I think I like AMS FFB a bit better but not by much. Car feel superbly connected to the road in AMS (very important for immersion) while rF2 seems to have more advanced and subtle handling (physics).

    The AJR is on par with the LMP2 Oreca 07 in term of performance (at least the Judd variant) which can be used for mixed races. Try it on Matsusaka for a nice experience.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2019
  13. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    The Porsche GT3 with motion @ Virginia Park is the most immersive and intense experience I ever had in 18 years of sim racing.
    I’m not a big fan of these cars at all, but I purchased all to support Studio 397. I tested all of them and they are ok for me, but I will not drive these cars a lot. I really hope in some V8 in the future.
    Cangrejo likes this.
  14. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    invest in codemaster is to throw money, for more of the same......who does not want rfactor 2 package, is not obliged to do it, if you do not like rfactor do not know what they do wasting time here!
  15. LokiD

    LokiD Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    I've bought my last cm game And that was dr2 deluxe edition.

    Issues doesn't make me feel my 40quid was justified.
  16. rd.king

    rd.king Registered

    Jul 1, 2017
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    What is the Ibarra, Ecuador track listed as in game I can't seem to find it.
  17. muzikant

    muzikant Registered

    Oct 23, 2017
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    More tracks from REIZA please!!
    Very high Quality, But we need more.. and more from this tracks. I hope for the Adelaide track in future :)
  18. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    I agree.
    Imola historic + modern and virginia are a must to have tracks
    (and ibarra is nice too)
    I bought all reiza bundle only for them
    muzikant likes this.
  19. rd.king

    rd.king Registered

    Jul 1, 2017
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    I bought the reiza track pack but it seems to me the Ibarra track did not download.
    I can't see it in game or in the packages list.
    did a file integrity check 100%
    How do I re download the missing track.
    dazzer likes this.
  20. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    unsubscribe and subscribe again
    muzikant likes this.
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