Questions on scene file parameters

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by Jorgen, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Jorgen

    Jorgen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Is there a list of valid scene file options anywhere? I've looked through the stock scene files, but many of the entries at the top seem to be copy/paste from rFactor1. I'm specifically thinking about lighting-related items like the following: (Snippets from the Lime Rock Park scene files)

      Color=(0, 0, 0)
      Size=(1.00, 1.00) Center=(0.5, 0.5)
      FOV=(77.75, 62.50)
      ClipPlanes=(0.50, 1500.00)
        Color=(0, 0, 0)
        Size=(0.200, 0.100) Center=(0.50, 0.01)
        FOV=(62.5, 62.5)
        ClipPlanes=(0.50, 150.00)    
    I assume this one is still very much valid, but what do the Color options mean?

    AmbientColor=(126, 126, 126)
    This one seems to have absolutely no effect at all at the moment. I have tried 0, 0, 255 but the overall tint is still grey.

    FogMode=LINEAR FogIn=(350.00) FogOut=(3000.00) FogDensity=(0.00005) FogColor=(205, 215, 235)
    Fog parameters work, but the FogColor parameter has no effect at all at the moment. (Which I specifically asked before but got no response at all...) Obsolete, work in progress, other?

      Type=Directional  Color=(220, 220, 220)  Dir=(0.5, -0.9, 0.5)
    Also a leftover from rFactor1? I have tried extreme color values without any effect at all.

    It would be great if we could get some input from the developers, or the internal test team on this.

  2. Jka

    Jka Member Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Mainview - these parameters defines your camera view to your track.
    Clear=False => backround is not transparent, color line defines backround color in RGB values (in this case, black)
    Color=(0, 0, 0)

    Size=(1.00, 1.00) Center=(0.5, 0.5) => default resolution without any adjustement of aspect ratio, defined as percentage of currect video mode. In this case no aspect ratio adjusments at all, track uses default video mode (which you configure in "Configure Sim" tab in Launcher)

    These same settings are valid for your rearview also (view = rearview).

    FOV=(77.75, 62.50) => default Field of View setting.

    ClipPlanes=(0.50, 1500.00) => Near and Far clipplane. This line defines where gfx engine clips polys out (near and far) from your current viepoint.

    AmbientColor=(126, 126, 126) => defines your track's overall ambient color. Currently locked by ISI, cannot be adjusted at the moment.

    FogMode=LINEAR FogIn=(350.00) FogOut=(3000.00) FogDensity=(0.00005) FogColor=(205, 215, 235) => pretty self-explanatory line with fog in, out and density parameters. Color is currently locked by ISI.

    Light=Direct00 => no effect because of new lightning system. Probably left over from old GMT converter code.

  3. Jorgen

    Jorgen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Many thanks for the excellent answers! I suspected that the RGB color values were locked when HDR profiles were enabled, because I believe they worked in build 101. (at least the fog color did) Anyway, let's hope that obsolete scene file and GDB file entries are cleaned out from the stock track config files at some point.

    The only thing I don't quite get is the main view and rear view background colors. Background color of what, exactly? Usually there's sky and a cylinder shaped panorama "wall" beyond the track. I guess it has nothing to do with those, or does it?
  4. Jka

    Jka Member Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Well... Backround color is sometimes needed (for instance) if track model terrain contains holes, which can be seen on certain camera angles and they are more practical "hide" with backround color. If model is flawless, normally backround color is not needed as gfx engine draws all polyn "on top" of backround color.

    With rF1, skybox typically didn't reach too low which might lead problems with "light leak" in night time. Sometimes it was easier to hide it with correct backround color, if repairing scene (or creating "nightlight leak poly" under whole track scene)was too time consuming.

    With rF2 we dont need worry about it too much because of new lightning system, though we have some other type of "sun leak" which might be much harder to handle...;)

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2012
  5. Jorgen

    Jorgen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up!

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