Purchase obligation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ralphy, Feb 9, 2022.

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  1. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    And seriously, NOT liking VIR, I cannot understand that...the climbing esses, the hog pen, The Oak Tree Turn that doesn't have an Oak Tree any longer.... Any track that has a turn named: 'The Bitch' has GOT to be a winner.
  2. Christopher Elliott

    Christopher Elliott Registered

    Jul 31, 2014
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    At this time this is how our system works, but we do acknowledge and appreciate the feedback. We only ask you keep in civil in here, thanks.
    David O'Reilly, Binny and pkelly like this.
  3. ralphy

    ralphy Registered

    Jan 30, 2022
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    obviously we are here to debate and not to insult each other. I really hope that our discussions will help to make the game evolve because I think it needs it. in my view
  4. Binny

    Binny Guest

    Just be grateful you dont have to pay a subscription as well, as ppl have said they have a system they believe is right and wont change it unless they see its not working in their best interest. Its time ppl realized RF2 is heading down the iracing path but in their own way. Its now take what you get like it or lump it.
    Tony Raharidzery likes this.
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    That's how buying things works.

    There's a whole heap of standard and addon content available free, just like 5-6 years ago before any DLC emerged and before the thought of a CS.

    You're not an oracle; everyone can see the situation here, with pretty much daily threads and discord posts as reminders. We can all choose not to take part in the DLC acquisition race, and especially these days pay a pittance for rF2 and benefit from its development funded by those buying content.

    If you have money to spend on computer games, you should understand what you're buying.
    Binny and trichens like this.
  6. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I have bought all the content, are you serious to cry for maybe 150€ for the full s397 paid DLC?
    it's the the cheapest thing I have spend compared to my PC or my sim racing rig....
    It's time to get a job.
    I would hate my life if i couldn't spend 16.80€ for the Q1 pack, simply cause rF2 is the ultimate sim, and for this price, there is no reason to not buy it.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
    David O'Reilly, Grey and trichens like this.
  7. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Strangely, I have not been able to find the Obligation mentioned in the title. None of us are obliged to purchase anything other than the core sim to race with rF2. After that, it is your CHOICE to purchase additional content or not. If you don't want a particular track or car pack, then by not purchasing those items, you are choosing not to participate in events that require those items. IF...and I need you to read that clearly... IF there were no online servers or no Competition System events or even offline driving that didn't offer free components, THEN I would begin to agree with your point. Since there are oodles of free cars and tracks, and servers online & within the Competition System, it comes back to your choice. You choose to oblige yourself or not.
  8. ralphy

    ralphy Registered

    Jan 30, 2022
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    if we are missing a content we cannot participate in the race at ALL the races!!!! if you want to participate in a race, whatever the race, you have to buy it even if you don't count on it. in this cal you are therefore FORCED to buy! thought a bit shit!!!! I prefer to pay a subscription and a game at 70 € and have a real competitive server and not be forced to buy such and such a car / circuit than to tell myself " ha oausi I'm going to buy VIR ' even if I don't intend to drive on it it's like if you see a billionaire and you say to him 'here's 5 euros for your coffee' it's just ridiculous. and all this in kindness :)
  9. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    It is your choice. If you WANT to race THAT series, with THAT car, then buy the freakin' track. If you won't buy the track, all you miss is driving THAT series, with THAT car at THAT track. There are other series right now and more down the road. Many of those will also require DLC content, but there is almost always an entirely free series available during the same time periods. Just wait for another round, join a league or host a server. (so many ways to race WITHOUT buying VIR)
    Binny, pkelly and Remco Majoor like this.
  10. ralphy

    ralphy Registered

    Jan 30, 2022
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    here we go on the debate of the competitive mod!!!! what is the use of competitive mode if you want me to join a league s397 in case just close the competitive mode if I listen to you....
  11. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    If you don't want to drive a series because it uses Virginia for one week, then no, comp system is not for you
  12. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    This is going a bit circular. Let me try and break this down. Everything you said above (basically) is true - everyone isn't stupid, we understand what you're saying.

    The part I think you're going over without realising is the "if you want to participate in a race". That's your choice, that's where you set yourself up with the 'obligation' - or you can choose not to participate in that race/series. You want to take part, you need to buy something. You can choose not to.

    Everything else I can say is just repeating statements already made.
    tiffarno and Binny like this.
  13. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    The problem is that you are not special, che Competition system can exist even without your partecipation. There are nearly 200 hundreds driver that joined the USF 2000 competition.
    Realize you are minority and you don't have even a knife in this firefight.
    pkelly likes this.
  14. ralphy

    ralphy Registered

    Jan 30, 2022
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    I'm good that I'm part of the minority of the gaming community! is the problem is there. I understand that he prefers to content the majority of the community but if after the game becomes shit it will piss me off I've been playing it since the very beginning, well before it was on steam, my game I bought it 70 € and all that for the game to be redeemed and for me to possibly see it die... it just pisses me off that it doesn't open their eyes, and that it doesn't act like their direct competitor, and at home it works very well goods, moreover rf2 has a physics which has my taste and the best ever rehabilitated. all I hope is that he also takes the monauritity of the community into consideration too, we can be very happy with everyone, but that's neither you nor me who decides
  15. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    S397 took the decission of mantaining the CS for free, but evidently the system has a cost.
    The way to mantain the system are the DLC.
    They have said that always is going to be a free series. But they need to have series with DLCs to mantain the system.
    I've told them several times that they could make a mod per races and (IIRC) two times they told me that they didn't want to do this.
    It's understandable, S397 want's to avoid that people only drives the races with free content.
    This would make the system unviable.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    Binny and avenger82 like this.
  16. ralphy

    ralphy Registered

    Jan 30, 2022
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    I'm not sure about that,We'll see
  17. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Do we just want carbon copy sims? Where all sims just copy each other? Meaning our choice would be very limited.

    Think yourself lucky that each sim want to approach a problem their own way and each offer something different, this only benefits us and makes the simracing market less stagnant.

    I think the sooner your realise that each game does things their own way and not the "common consensus" of how to solve a problem, then I think you might feel more comfortable. Pick which sim suits your availability and pricing model you can afford.

    Or..... you could sit here going on for hours on end which changing nothing, going around in circles. Your choice...... or is it your obligation? :D
  18. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    the people is so greedy, they will die with a lot of money but they refuse to buy a DLC at 16.80€, stupid people.
    trichens likes this.
  19. trichens

    trichens Registered

    Nov 2, 2020
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    So when you want to sign up for the Indy Open Challange you are given a list of requirements to need to fulfil to take part - list of vehicles and list of tracks. If you want to take part then you need to have the required items.
    I don't see that there's a problem with this.
    After all you are signing up for the SERIES not individual races - the whole idea is for racers to participate in the complete series.

    It would seem that the only item you are missing the the VIR track. In the UK that costs under £6 on Steam.
    The altruistic view - which is the one I take - is that by purchasing the DLC you are not only getting the track - in this case - but also supporting S397 and fellow racers.
    After the initial purchase of rFactor2 then you don't have to buy any additional DLC unless the event you wish to participate in requires it. So after I got rF2 in May 2020 there was no further items I HAD to buy.
    And S397 make no further income from me. However the core game has been updated, free content has been added.
    I've actually purchased the bulk of the DLC - not electric or karting - but I think everything else.
    All I really do is hot lap or race AI but my purchasing these items support both S397 and other racers - without some additional income S397 folds - I don't work for free and I'm sure most of us don't.

    The other thing to consider is that most of us us have made a large financial commitment in hardware to race - a £6 purchase of VIR would probably be no more expensive than a Super Size Big Mac meal.
    tiffarno, Binny and Woodee like this.
  20. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    here it smells like one that had been banned...
    The incredible thing is that I still read this thread, this is so easy, if you want to participate you pay, it seems that there is a machine gun pointed at your head, and if you don't want to pay then something else.... I imagine that the CEO does not sleep thinking to fix this as you please:cool::D
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    trichens likes this.
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