Performance issue in mutliplayer since last updates

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Duif, Nov 4, 2020.

  1. Duif

    Duif Registered

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Recently, in last two months, after some updates, in our community we noticed issue, that is getting worse and worse.

    Issue: Big performance issues in mutliplayer only, starting when there is more than 15 drivers on server.

    In our league, we have 40 drivers every race. No matter of PC spec, performance in mutliplayer is dramatically bad. Drivers, no matter of CPU/GPU, are seeing big FPS drops. Even with 2080ti, with some track/car combo, drivers have FPS average 50-60! With lower-spec PC there are drops even to 25 on the lowest possible settings.

    CPU/GPU/VRAM/RAM - there's still a lot of performance headroom. That's not the issue. Why i'm sure? Because with 40 AI, in single-player, drivers have solid 90+ on low spec, and 150+ on higher-spec PC's. With the same weather/track/cars.

    Also, it's rather not server issue. Why?
    1. We have info that it happens also on other servers
    2. I set 40 AI's on server, and performance is perfect.

    So, it happens only with real people on server, not with AI on server/single-player. Which is illogic.
    In single-player performance should be worse than in mutliplayer, as PC has to calculate physics for AI.
    When AI are set on server, there should be no difference in performance, as AI physics is calculated on server.

    So, summing up.
    1. It's not PC issue.
    2. It's not track/car issue. We tested it on multiple tracks (official/non-official), with multiple cars (official/non-official). It happens with all combos, performance with AI is ALWAYS better.
    3. It's rather not server config issue, as on the same dedi instance, with 40 AI instead of real people, everything is ok.

    Also, i remember, that last year/early this year, i wasn't even able to drive with 40 AI in multiplayer, due to CPU usage. After some updates it changed, and now AI's are not a problem anymore. But meanwhile, in online races, i had no problems before, and now it's pretty hard to get even stable 60, even on low settings.

    It's reported by many many drivers, with different PC specs, on mutliple servers.

    If S397 team will want to replicate it, we can provide test environment with everything set, and with that issue existing.

    I forgot to add, that issue exists even in practice/qualy. It's not as big as in race (depends on pc-spec), but it exists. What's more important, it exists also in private qualy session. Recently it's getting really, really bad.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  2. Duif

    Duif Registered

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Should I expect any kind of support from S397 team, or I just need to check game code by myself?

    I really explained the issue, offered help with trying to recognize the issue, providing test environments, I already tested everything I could without looking for code bugs, and there's even no simple answer, that someone will take care of customers.

    On discord you always say that it's better to open thread on forum. And if someone does that many posts are without answer, and if there's answer, it's from community, not developers. That's just a shame. Especially if someone is trying to help, prepare data, explain everything.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
  3. Tom Lory

    Tom Lory Registered

    Dec 5, 2019
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  4. dylbie

    dylbie Registered

    Oct 25, 2012
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  5. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I had the same performance issues online during the 24h of Nurburgring by P1-Gaming, only during the race (so not during the practice even with 70 cars on track) the GP layout was unplayable, had 15-30 fps in most of it with all the graphics set to low and off which is something i had to use for the first time in 6 years of rF2.
    Is not the first time i heard about these bad performance only during a online race though.
  6. Antti R

    Antti R Registered

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I hope this gets some attention and is being resolved as soon as possible. Feels really off-putting that just months after upgrading my PC I am starting to get worse performance than I had before the upgrades.

    It was so nice to have reasonably nice looking settings but then something happened after the updates and it has been getting worse during the autumn. Close to being undriveable due to abysmal FPS even in lowest settings
  7. Nicolas Pailhes

    Nicolas Pailhes Registered

    Jul 14, 2012
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    On the nurb it's a bug with the fx post, put it in low, you will see the problem disappear.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2020
  8. Duif

    Duif Registered

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Daniele said, he had everything off. Including PP.

    More testing by me:
    GT3 cars, Silverstone DLC.

    Online race, 38 drivers: 25-35 FPS on start, then 45-50 max.

    AI race, 40 AI's, the same skinpack, the same conditions: 100 FPS at start, 140-150 FPS later during race.

    It happens literally everywhere right now, every server, every bigger race.
  9. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Yes i confirm, no PP as i usually do in the "big" events.
  10. Duif

    Duif Registered

    Apr 7, 2019
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    And what's important - in all big events I'm disabling everything. Almost everything. No PP, shadows, special effects, soft particles, rain drops, reflections (road only to low when there's rain).

    AA set to level 1, no FXAA.
  11. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Registered

    Mar 14, 2019
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    When we spoke on Discord Tomasz, you mentioned that it happened in private qualifying, and I don't think you mentioned that in any of the above. The fact that it happens in private qualifying indicates that it's nothing to do with graphics and everything to do with networking, because while it is private, the other cars are still there and their positions being updated, they're just not rendered and not able to have collisions with (which is why Crew Chief still says "Car left", etc.). Clearly, something's changed with the internals of rF2, and this seems to have impacted performance somehow, either on the server side or the client, possibly both (something like thread synchronisation I imagine).

    What puzzles me is that there seem to be plenty of online competitions (like GT Pro/Challenge) and they seem not to be affected, and I've been fortunate to have not experienced it either (in largish fields), so could it be a server issue of some sort (bandwidth settings, etc.)?
  12. Antti R

    Antti R Registered

    Aug 31, 2017
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    I am at least pretty sure that it's not graphics issue, because I have higher FPS with 30 AI in Nords in rain and night time than I have recently had on multiplayer races with +20 drivers during dry daytime.

    With my limited understanding it must have something to do with netcode/network stuff

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