Painted strips as Real Road

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by dominevski, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. dominevski

    dominevski Registered

    Oct 4, 2013
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    The recommendation is to make all road lines and painted strips as
    they own poly objects, preferably with Real Road material so they
    too can be rubbered as the track evolves. I'm having difficulties to
    produce a completely white (well almost) material. I mean the type
    of strips that are not painted but rather "molded" or laid down.
    These do not have the cracks and details like the road surface has.
    They really are very smooth, up to 10 mm thick, looks like vanilla cream =)

    Anyone got a good setup for Real Road white strips?
  2. Jka

    Jka Member Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    First of all, paint stripes should be single - side polys. Not a box. And they should be placed only 1 mm above asphalt, tagged as "decal" in exporter. ;)

    Paint diffuse texture is easy to make from your asphalt diffuse texture. (In Photoshop) Cut suitable piece from your "asphalt", paint white color on 2nd layer top of if, setup 2nd layer to multiply and play around opacity and fill parameters for wanted result. Final touch might be contrast/brightness/exposure adjustment. Then you have painted line with asphalt details on it.

    Material itself should be setup exactly like real road shader. You can use same textures on other stages (than main diffuse) as you used in asphalt.

  3. dominevski

    dominevski Registered

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Thanks for the answer, but you are not reading carefully =)

    The strips are not painted but rather "molded". They do not have
    inherited normals or details of the roadsurface below. Your profile says you are
    from Finland. You have propably seen those thick molded lines, often used as
    rumblestrips on high speed motorways to make sure drivers dont fall asleep.

    However, that is really not a problem. The problem is that Real Road Shader
    messes up the diffuse colors giving all kinds of results depending on road
    conditions. I have seen materials turn into red, green, black and transparent.
    I can post some screenshots later...

    It is very difficult or impossible to get any material to maintain the right
    color if using Real Road Shader OR if a "regular" material is applied to an
    object which is setup for Real Road.

    It seems that no one else is having these problems which makes me believe
    I'm doing something wrong, but hey, have you really tested carefully. I could
    reproduce many of these issues in JoesVille without any modification to the
    original track...
  4. wgeuze

    wgeuze Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I haven't seen realroad mess up white lines in my track, and they are just copies of the normal road shader with different textures.
    If you are experiencing those problems, I think you are placing textures in the wrong inputs.
  5. Kev

    Kev Registered

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Hm... Sounds like you did not name your realroad meshes begining with RaceSurface_
  6. dominevski

    dominevski Registered

    Oct 4, 2013
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    No, the naming is correct. Or it depends... =)

    I think the issues where related to transparency problem in extreme
    wet conditions and then those white lines were blended with other
    stuff or becoming too shiny/transparent/reflective/black/etc...
    In normal conditions they look as I expect, pretty good!!

    All yellow/green/blue stuff turned out to be regular materials (kerbs)
    on Real Road enabled object (track). It is just that I have been playing
    with so many setups and probably forgot sometimes to separate these
    polys before exporting. Also, I have had checkered alphas to study how
    and where different setups affect the road.

    However, I am still a bit critical to the way ISI has implemented Real
    Road. Objects are not materials. Regular materials should not be affected
    the way they do if applied to RaceSurface_XX objects. The name of the
    object should definitely not affect materials. If rF2 is a complete rewrite
    then it is a bit alarming that they are already implementing "hacks" and
    workarounds =)
  7. Luc Van Camp

    Luc Van Camp Track Team Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Nothing alarming about code optimizations, no :) .

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