Online race - losing 1-3 minutes of qualy (stuck in session rollover)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by MileSeven, Oct 28, 2021.

  1. MileSeven

    MileSeven Registered

    Apr 1, 2014
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    I’ve had a long-standing issue whereby when our remote race server shifts from Practice to Qualy, my rf2 client sits ‘frozen’ at the end of practice and won’t recognise that Qualy has started. Routinely it will take almost exactly one minute before it wakes up - last night it was almost three…

    If I try to click any menu buttons during the freeze, I usually lose the mouse cursor (and delete/backspace/whatever will not return it). Menu buttons do show focus (if you’re lucky enough to find one) but can be inoperative. Sometimes (after the obligatory minute) Drive will ‘work’ amd dump you in your pit (with the session now being recognised as Qualy) - but the engine is always off and the engine-start button disabled. Only workaround is to exit back to pit menu and click Drive again…

    With just 10mins of qualy - this can be a disaster…

    What would be useful to help debug this? A trace file? Anything server side of use (I admin the dedicated server)?
  2. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I've seen this in our races too.
    And it doesn't happens to all the pilots.
    I've realised that the more pilots are, the worst the problem is.
    Some pilots have seen that they can go to track when the syncronycing of the real road ends.

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