Hello sim racers, A new hotfix update for the current Release Candidate build of rFactor 2 has been deployed: 9770325 // 9770334 Fixed handling non-existing engine files in upgrades (now loads the original engine as before) Fixed handling SteeringInnerTable in upgradees Fixed delta not resetting correctly after a driver swap Fixed a rare crash when loading AI cars using the new sound system
Hey Paul, where are your legendary hidden hints in term of Q4? Common dude! We all know you want it too!
The release candidate, after the hotfix today is still shown at v1131. Small changes like this usually only affect the build number, (important for servers mainly) not the version number.
ok, thanks for the response. I ask because I thought this hotfix was supposed to address the engine sounds disappearing after a while, but it's still happening for me...
There are 4 items listed at the start of that post, so those are the only 4 things addressed by the hotfix. HOPEFULLY there will be more. (legacy sound, saved setups are all bugs that have appeared with this update.)
Odd thing, if I assign a setup in SP then join MP then setups are all there, if I remove assigned setup, then no setups show.
The DW-12 steering bug is now gone after the hotfix (presumably due to the SteeringInnerTable fix). What's wrong with the IR-18 steering?
Hi! What does mean? Probably not the same subject, but I hope the wrong virtual wheel rotation vs simracer wheel will be investigate/solve is the near future (for example the last caterham and mini).
No, this is different. For the last ~5 years a 'new' steering system is in use, that allows the car maker to define what happens to the steering rack at different wheel rotations. Apparently the RC, until today, had an issue applying modifications to these settings via upgrades, which could have affected any number of cars with steering system upgrades and certainly the DW-12 by default. I wouldn't expect the fix to change anything regarding rotation. Having said that, some cars have the rotation wrong, either for all rotations or for high rotations (which could be due to upgrades, though in a different way to above) but cars that work correctly will work with all wheels if configured correctly. There's no game-wide glitch preventing certain wheels from having the correct rotation. (in other words - the caterham for example, the rotation above 720° is wrong on your wheel, it's wrong on my T500, it'll be wrong on a Logitech G27. The caterham needs fixing, not the game)
Hi Paul, since there has been this fix to the delta, would it be possible to also have a fix for the delta not working when reentering a practice server, as reported here?
Replays are not being deleted from inside the game anymore. Pressing delete does nothing. Edit: Only the first replay in the list can't be deleted.
Just wondering if a hot fix is coming to address the sounds (especially) and the other issues like setups etc?
If only the first Replay can not be deleted from in Game, i would suppose that it is a Windows User Rights Problem, because the last recorded one is still "in use". If you leave the Game and start it again, can you delete it then?
I went and tested your idea (just to be thorough). No the problem still persists. I was able to delete all replays this way before. Now with this build I can't, the first item in the list that is.