I was asking exactly because of the updates. The track feels dated and the realroad isn't smooth in transition. Thanks for the answer, Tosch!
Well, b930 screwed up the UI (how did this get past QA) when legacy HDR is enabled. How does one select different HDR profiles now?
The problem is the UI - you can't select HDR because it is positioned wrong. I'm not talking about "Enable Legacy HDR Profiles" in "player.json".
Searched everywhere for hdr select....so now I'm up to date. Is there any way to change, or do we have to wait for next build?
The option to select HDR is present, but it's hidden under the "Cockpit Vibration" slider. Maybe Tosch can figure out a work-around?
@jomaho This has nothing to do with the discussion. I have no problems with the UI other than the hidden HDR selector under the "Cockpit Vibration" setting. This is a simple programming error on ISI's part. @Tosch Yeah - quite a solution, huh? Is there a manual way of doing this in (for example): F:\Docs\rFactor2\UserData\player\Settings\Nordschleife2_Tourist_Summer
You can install the Kart UI and change the user interface in the "customize" menu. For some reason the ISI download link is lost in space. Here is a link: File name is "Kart_UI-v988.rfcmp" http://downloads.italianracers.it/R-Factor%202/Varie/ Another solution would be to replace the currentprofile.hdp in the settings menu.
The kart UI was horrid suffering from over exposure on menu and I think that by now it may be missing a few setup parameters. Perhaps there was also an issue with weather being locked when certain parameters for the session were changed.
Just use the Kart UI to change the HDR selection only. Once this is accomplished, switch back to the new default UI. The HDR selection sticks. Bit of a waste of my precious SSD space however.
See 1st post of this thread. I wrote info, but I wrote that before ISI removed the option in the new UI. Looks like Toschs work around is the best option for now. edit, or with this:- http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/23776-UI-from-Build-910?p=341248#post341248
This is absolutely fantastic. Now, if only I could finish an entire lap I am wondering one thing though, does anybody else find it impossible to drive at night when using the HDR profiles? It's like I've only got my sidelights on and I can barely see anything.