Greetings. It is the first time that in a circuit created by me the delta time does not appear in the HUD. The traps of the sectors, pit, etc appear to be correct and rFactor marks the times well. In development mode it works correctly. Any idea, thanks.
@Brutten Not really an Idea. Does the AIW File has proper Values for lap_length= sector_1_length= sector_2_length= ? Would you mind to send me a Link for the Track by private Conversation?
Thanks for your interest @redapg I have used up all my bullets and got it to work. I tell what I have done in case it is worth for something in the future. From development mode I have recalculated the corridors and the abstract lap. Case closed
Just to make it clear, do you mean that you executed the "find Corridors" Function a 2nd Time? And what do you mean with "recalculated the abstract Lap"?
Sorry, I do not speak English and rely on translators. Attached is a screenshot of the two steps I took. I do not assure that it was the solution but after doing it it worked. (Addendum: The aiw that failed was made with BTB, although it is true that this is the first time this has happened to me).
More info: I have compared the original file with the modified one and maybe it can explain a bit what happened. At this point I think that just saving the rF2 file would have helped. It is clear that there are obsolete lines that BTB includes in the aiw and that there are new lines that of course BTB does not contemplate. When saving the aiw rF2 performs the process of removing what is unnecessary and adding what is missing. I don't know if I'm right or it was all thanks to fate.