The last NVIDIA SLI profile is from 2011. The current profile dont work well and rfactor2 needs a new profile as soon as possible. There is Official NVIDIA SLI Profile Request Thread and when pCars was beta Nvidia created temporary SLI profile when asked. Lets turn on the heat on Nvidia and se if we get lucky too. Together are we dynamite, please give you support here:
NEW GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER 358.91 was released yesterday with same old rFactor2 profile from 2011.
Only posibility to play this game with SLI and get desent fps is to roll back driver to 353.30 if you are using Windows 7/8.1, windows 10 driver 353.54/55 but ofcouse there can be problems with sorround and 3D vision.! It is mystery to me that there is no solution to SLI after so many years. I hope that SLI profile is going to be fixed before rF2 is going to be released on Steam.
That is a good point! I do not use SLI but my understanding is it very problematic indeed. Sometimes I have thought of going to SLI but it seems like playing russian roulette and I passed on that idea. Is an NVidia profile update really capable of a good solution here or is there something deeper down in the code which means RF2 simply can never work with SLI regardless of the SLI Profile? I have often thought of the iracing guys, and what may happen if a lot decamped one day to RF2, there is a lot of guys there with systems of various configs but everything pretty much works very good out of the box, and on lesser hardware. Now with the steam release pending RF2 will be opened up to a wider audience, much wider perhaps, and there is going to be a lot more of everybody including SLI users. Whiteshadow has been complaining bitterly about the SLI since the dawn of time, we all know that very well. And still it appears to be as big an issue as it ever was. Steam release will result in much larger group of dissatisfied SLI users, that cannot be good for RF2. A friend of mine got a system which would be the envy of Nasa, it was literally the best and I mean the BEST of everything with 3 x TitanX in SLI he was getting 24 FPS or something crazy! I reported it here and just get insulted of course. Removing one Titan X card improved it a lot, but FPS was still nothing special. So what is the craic with regards to SLI? What is the truth? Can an NVidia SLI profile update make it work, or is it just never going to work regardless of anything? Whiteshadow makes a good point about this seemingly unsolvable problem and the Steam release.
I use SLI, but I'm using Smooth Vsync option in NVidia control panel. It's really smooth - no stutters anymore and the two VGAs (980) are powerfull enough to keep 60 FPS under heavy scenarios (race starts, rain). The penalty is some input lag.
I have tested GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER 359.06 WHQL and everything is unchanged, same old SLI profile is from 2011.
Can somebody please try out this SLI compatibility bits (DX9), I've found that in one old thread and played with the numbers until I've found one that it works very good without any side effects noticeable. These are the numbers: 0x02F00403 My test on 2x GTX970 No SLI bits - 43 FPS Default RF2 Bits - 34 FPS Modified bits - 75 FPS
I am using driver 353.30 Multiview on, Portugal, Corvette, 22 AI, overcast storm, inn game settings reflection options low other settings max. 0x02F00403 > 160 - 270 fps 0x02D04005 (LEGO Batman 2....) > 160 - 270 fps. I test your bits Saturday-Sunday with latest Nvidia driver 359.06 and let you know how it works
Yes, this is the solution for new drivers. I didn't want to revert back to 353.30, and Lego stopped working so I've researched a bit.
Yes there seem to be some windows updates which are effecting performance to Lego..& 353.30 and also Nvidia 3D vission does not work any more with Lego..& 353.30.
I am still using 353.30 but with 1 GTX 970. You're right. 3D Vision has been screwed up. I can't remember if it was an RF2 update or the NV 353.30 driver that caused the issue. Well, 3D Vision still works but the GPU clockspeeds go really, really low (eg. 500 MHz instead of 1500 MHz or something like that) and obviously that makes the framerate unplayable. Even after disabling 3D Vision the clock speeds stay low and the game is almost unplayable; the PC must be restarted in order to get the GPU working normally again. I am going to install my 2nd GTX 970 later today. So are you guys saying Lego bits doesn't work on the newest NV driver but there's another bits that works as good as Lego used to?
0x00500005 - Windows System Assessment Tool I'm still using the above bits as it nearly doubles my framerate, however it does not work when using a Vsync setting through rFactor 2 Config - you have to leave that off and force Vsync through Nvidia Inspector. Also I'm not sure if this bits setting works with multiview as I only use one screen.
GFX driver 358.78 (the developers VR version) will work with the Lego compatibility bits on dual card SLI, using 3 screens and 2D surround. The degree of stuttering depends on the car and track combination. Some are worse than others. Limerock + AC427 has some of the lowest frame rates (32-48 fps) and highest degree of stuttering using the aforementioned combination. All tracks exhibit some degree of stuttering in some corners with less on the newer tracks. Sebring & Ohio have the least stuttering using the settings described. It is possible to reach a steady 60 fps on both of those tracks with minimal stuttering. It will be interesting to see how any rFactor 2 virtual reality optimizations work in future since Nvidia seems to be relying on an SLI architecture for their version to work.
That doesnt sound like it works. Those framerates are abysmal for a dual-card setup unless you're running some real old or low-end stuff.
GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER 359.06 WHQL Multiview on, Portugal, Corvette, 22 AI, overcast storm, inn game settings reflection options low other settings max. 0x02F00403 > 75 - 110 fps. 0x02D04005 (LEGO Batman 2....) > 80 - 125 fps. Default rFactor2 SLI profile (no changes, as it is) > 15 - 75 fps My PC specs. Mainboard: X99 WS-E/10G CPU: i7-5960X@4.4Ghz RAM: 32GB Ripjaws 4@3000 CL15 Graphics: 2 x EVGA GeForce GTX 980Ti Classified Kingpin
Nice! So LEGO and modified bits are still not working good as before.. Back to 353.30 then.. At least they could include one of these bits in next driver release, as its working better than default. How does that even go, can anyone from ISI devs propose that to nVidia? Thank you for your time to test mate.