Multiplayer fixed Setup

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Theopraktisch, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. Theopraktisch

    Theopraktisch Registered

    Jun 18, 2019
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    Hey Guys, i want to know if it´s possible to adjust which Settings can be changed on the fixed Setup?!
    We are planing a League whit fixed setup. But you can´t change fuel or tires.
    Anyone can help?
  2. Look at freesetting in the player json - each number gives a specific thing you can change.
    1=steering lock, 2=brake pressure, 4=starting fuel, 8=fuel strategy 16=tire compound, 32=brake bias, 64=front wing, 128=engine settings
    so 1 you can change steering lock, 3 you can change steering lock and brake pressure etc.
    DanRZ likes this.

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