Multi lap Table - live

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nuno Leite Castro, Jan 30, 2023.

  1. Nuno Leite Castro

    Nuno Leite Castro Registered

    Mar 28, 2017
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    Hi Community,

    I've been searching for sometime now how to put that table on my SimHub. (bottom left)

    It's a table that shows all of your laps live for every stint you do. Like, "exit the pits do a stint for 10 laps, and you can see them while driving the car still.

    i.e.: I'm doing lap 7 and want to know what my lap time was at lap 3, that will show me.

    I reckon that that one on the pic (bottom left) is from another Sim, but they managed to put it at work for Rf2.

    Does anyone know how to get it? Or point me the right direction?


    P.S: I've searched here in the forum with no success for a topic like this, my appologies if there is already one like this.
  2. Ricardo Diz

    Ricardo Diz Registered

    Mar 28, 2019
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    Hi Nuno.

    Not sure if you also use another screen, but if that's the case, may I suggest you have a look at our Fidgrove project. We just added what we call Fidgrove Trackside station, for which you have a view with tables with time/speed metrics.

    It's updated live, and has virtually no impact on local computing (done in cloud). Here's a picture of how it looks like (e.g., showing max speeds in this case):
    Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 09.00.33.png

    If this would suit you, we have a thread you can know a bit more about it here:

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