More on track detail in higher settings - major problem for online racing

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by MarcoSaupe, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. MarcoSaupe

    MarcoSaupe Registered

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Ricknau wrote here: about the white posts at the edge of the Spa track:

    I have no problem with the posts being there, but I actually do have a major problem with that point. Imagine a league race, the driver in front of you has a slower computer, detail turned down and does not see the posts. So he might put 2 wheels on the grass and drive a faster line while you can't, and even worse, when you follow him nose to tail, you might be thrown off track by a post you couldn't see because he just drove through!

    I think for proper online racing it's absolutely important that all drivers have the same track, no matter the detail settings. So IMHO there are only two solutions:
    a) all detail levels show the same objects between the barriers that confine track and runoff area (with simpler 3d models if necessary as long as the collision box is the same)
    b) all additional details in higher levels have no collision detection (maybe as an option for the server)


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