Modify controller inputs

Discussion in 'Plugins' started by MerlinC2000, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. MerlinC2000

    MerlinC2000 Registered

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Hi together,

    after a long time not doing anything with the SDK I'm looking for an opportunity to enable the usage of rotary switches with a plugin and therefore I'm looking for an opportunity to tweak the way how a controler input is used.

    I assumed that CheckHWControl would be called by rF2 when pressing any button on my wheel but that does not seem to be the case.

    Any advise appreciated.
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    No, it only shows when the game registers a press, so it's a level above what you'd want to do. (the control needs to already exist and be assigned to an input)

    The interface also doesn't allow you to generate vehicle controls inputs, so any thoughts of modifying tc levels or the like wouldn't work (obviously if you could change things like tc levels, or antiroll bars, via a plugin, you could very quickly make those changes mid-corner and have an active suspension type thing going on - which would be considered cheating, hence they don't let you do it).

    At this stage I would say any modification of this would need to be outside the game; something along the lines of a virtual joystick with macros to generate the appropriate sequence of presses to achieve what you're after.

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