Mod Installation not working

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by MerlinC2000, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. MerlinC2000

    MerlinC2000 Registered

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Having with most of the servers issues to join because Mod's are not installing and the new UI isn't giving any feedback what's going wrong. Still can't believe that someone released a software where users (customers) get advised to get back to the main menu or quit the game if something goes wrong.

    Anyway. Started the rF2 ModManager (like I did that already 5 years ago - thus no progress) and was trying to figure out what is going wrong and why I can't join a server called "S397 Public 1" server.

    Doesn't seem to be the installed content. Seems a damaged mod-file!? But how can that be that the dedicated server isn't modifying whether the mod-file is valid before it is shown in a server list?!

    Due to not being the only MOD which doesn't install any advise is highly welcome.

    P.S.: Did already a fresh install of rF2 the last night. But that didn't really fix the issue.

  2. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Just be aware there is a rogue "S397 Public 1" server in the list that isn't official. If only there was a way to verify.
  3. MerlinC2000

    MerlinC2000 Registered

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Well if that would be the only server I'm having issues I would just ignore it. But it's only the minority of servers I can join - and that the UI isn't providing any useful information what is going wrong is (unfortunately) a fact and doesn't have to do anything with being official or unofficial server, doesn't it?
  4. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    It mainly has to do with server admins not setting up their servers correctly for the public to access and they don't really seem to care. I do wonder if they even look at their traffic and wonder why no one joins their servers.

    I think there might also be some bugs in the package downloading system at the moment.
  5. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Could be too that server admins don't want that unknown users enter in their servers.
  6. MerlinC2000

    MerlinC2000 Registered

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Well,then they should just setup a password protected server. But at the end my biggest complaint is that the UI doesn't provide more detail what goes wrong. The message go back to menu or quit the game isn't worth anything.

    But at some point I might follow their advice and quit using the game
  7. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Can't control what server admins want to do... even if it seems dumb :)
  8. MerlinC2000

    MerlinC2000 Registered

    Apr 14, 2012
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    You guys don't seem to get my point. It's the dumb message I get from the UI if something get's Wrong. People can make mistakes especially when he administration comes with some complexity.

    Furthermore some plausibility checks should be possible to the dedicated server. What about simply don't start - obviously with a clear error message to the server admin what's wrong - if he tries to use a mod which isn't public available as a public not PWD protected server.
  9. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I know what you mean... so the game could check the mod used is on workshop? Server admins have the choice to run a server without the ability for clients to download their content. This, to a newer user, with all the errors and not knowing why is the frustrating place where we are now.

    If rFactor 2 wasn't a modding platform with "infinite content" then I would imagine these things would be easier.
  10. MerlinC2000

    MerlinC2000 Registered

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Being an open modding platform doesn't mean having no opportunities to manage better what is going to be shown in the public server list. Example given (very brief)
    A) admin is trying to select mod for a public server
    B) double-check whether all sources are available for download
    C) if yes - continue
    D) if no - force admin to set password.

    By that you only have non password protected servers in the list were the download is working. In case of PWM protected you anyway need to know the admin or another contact person who tells you the password and all other prerequisites to join the server.

    On the client side no there could be the situation that a download requires paid content which is not available at the moment. Then there should be a clear statement what content it is and we're can I by it. All free of charge content should be automatically downloaded and installed.

    P.S.: Most frustrating to me - being an rFactor since nearly a decade - is that package management wasn't improved at all the last years. That's why I do not recommend people to spend money on rF2 in my steam review at the moment. Most people will by content wanting to do online multiplayer racing and will never get on a server - or because of no clear feedback what is missing they will even buy more content.

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