Measuring GPU and CPU usage

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by Atle Dreier, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. Atle Dreier

    Atle Dreier Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I've been monitoring CPU and GPU usage in this sim and I've made the same observations most here have. More apparent load means less apparent utilization of the relevant component.

    So, what does this tell us? Let's take the GPU. I don't know how the utilization percentage is calculated, but I have a theory as to why we are seeing apparently unused capacity.
    The GPU is seen as a pipeline, or assembly conveyor belt. So, if ONe station on this pipeline is significantly slower than the rest you will hinder the entire pipeline. But anything downstream of the constriction will see lots of capacity. So, what if some process of the GPU pipeline is really, really inefficient, but the utilization calculations fail to take this into account and show unused capacity? So, with more work for the slow process, the rest of the pipeline will have to wait even more and show more apparent capacity?

    Is this even feasible? Could it be that if ISI figure out the bottleneck we will finally get the performance we should out of this fine sim? I sure hope so! Right now I solve it with brute force, so I get almost playable performance, but my system SHOULD perform alot better with the available hardware.

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