Manual please?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 1959nikos, May 16, 2012.

  1. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Having spent so much time trying to figure out how things work, sometimes with limited success, sometimes with none at all, Id really be gratefull for such an undertaking.
    I have been casually simming for more than a decade now and this is the only thing that helps me find my way around rf2.
    While talking with friends and persuading them to join the wanderfull world of sim racing, I often catch myself wishing they dont, or else Ill have to spend countless hours over the phone, explaining everything over and over again.
    The manual I would like to see is not the kind of " the vsync (or whatever) button activates vsync" lol, but a thorough explanation of functions and meanings of the workings of the sim.
    There are a lot of things people here take for granted but when I started it was not at all obvious for me that a controller was my wheel, a stick, a keyboard not to mention more complicated things as...pitstops.
    A lot of people also forget that not all are native English speaking also not all are pc masters so a proper manual for me would start from the simplest things possible and moving on to more specialised matters that I see even here people are asking.
    Perhaps the community could help in such a project? Surely you people have all the knowledge needed and I would like to believe the motivation too.:)

    Regards, nikos

    (didnt post it at wish forum as I take it more as a NEED not a wish)
  2. HKF0x

    HKF0x Registered

    Dec 12, 2011
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    rFactor 1 manual is very complete so i guess they will do the same for rf2.
    You can find rfactor 1 manual at this location in rfactor folder : rFactor\Support\rFactorManual.pdf
  3. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    i suppose that means installing rf1 again? Why not, Ill try it, if its helpfull. Thanks.
  4. HKF0x

    HKF0x Registered

    Dec 12, 2011
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  5. Dany Mitchel

    Dany Mitchel Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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  6. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Many thanks HKF0x.

    Dany I have 1970 mod, not a bad idea, 512s and 917, Steve McQueen all over again.
    (I found rf1 undrivable though, especially after rf2 imho).
  7. jjcook

    jjcook Registered

    Apr 12, 2012
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    well them i'm glad i joined....I'd go for that- have used this mod in a league previuosly- fantastic mod for rf1-however its really hard to drive these cars- they are a handful but very rewarding when you get it right- Altogether 125 cars

    qoute from the mod maker to inspire all:

    "Our cars are RealFeel compatible (see the RealFeel readme for more
    information). These cars are designed to run with no assists like the
    originals. Using assists may produce unexpected results and interfere
    with the relative performance of the cars, depending on your settings.
    We strongly recommend that you turn off the vocals, hud, and all assists
    if you want to feel what these cars were really like and immerse
    yourself in the period. A clutch and H box shifter are recommended as
    well although autoshift will work if you want it.

    The mod is a historical re-creation not modern Historicals cars, as such
    our cars are not easy to drive at the limits nor are they balanced
    within the classes. The cars reflect the technology of 1970, tyres have
    much less grip, brakes are not as effective as modern brakes, and
    downforce is negligible.

    Physics by Bristow. See the Physics Readme for more details on these cars."

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