low track details are far to high

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by blagger, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Vr is very subjective topic, but I disagree on some points:
    1) lowering resolution WORK, I can't believe that you don't increase FPS if you reduce resolution.
    2) I don't use openxr toolkit anymore, as it added too much overhead.
    3) check your PCIE bus if is setted to x3 o x4
    4) G2 screens are 2150 x 2150 "full resolution" is 3150x3150 (give or take). I find resolution between 65% / 70% pretty enjoyable. If you do the math I think most probably resolution is the reason for your poor performances (3150x3150x2x90 =1.78 billion pixel per second to draw)
    5) check everywhere to not have implemented a FPS limiter.
    6) if you use openxrtoolkit use turbo mode or if you don't use openxr toolkit, in openxrtools use "prefer framerate over latency".
    I have a 1080 and RF2 run pretty fine to me, at 90fps.
    Bernat likes this.
  2. blagger

    blagger Registered

    May 23, 2015
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    Yes, sorry. "rearview cull" is set to "true". I mixed it up with "Rearview_Back_Clip" which I set to 100.
  3. blagger

    blagger Registered

    May 23, 2015
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    1) I was also very surprised that neihter lowering resoltion, nor fixed foveated rendering, nor reducing vertical FOV had any impact on fps. Very strange.
    Where do you reduce resolution if you don't use openxrtoolkit?

    6) I use turbo mode and "prefer framerate over latency".

    You can run rf2 on any track at any condition at constant 90fps in VR with a 1080?
  4. If it comes to Daytona infield it is one of the track sections which demand a lot of performance - I know by heart and I have not managed to get above 70 FPS with the Pico 4 at that sector.

    What about switching off all those options like ffr, turbo mode or framerate prefrence.

    I know ... they suggest to improve performance, but I do not use them and get reasonable performance (3080 and i7 13900k) and more than once they make performance even worse (e.g. there are reports that switching off hardware accel sched will cause stutter in screen view when using a 4090).
  5. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    It only works if you are not CPU bound. The best way to test your CPU limit is to lower resolution (VR or not). Once you hit the point where lowering resolution gives no more FPS, then you are CPU limited. In some cases, you may also be PCIe bus limited if you have a card that is 8x or a motherboard that is not PCIe 4.0 compatible (enabling Resizable BAR fixes this to an extent).

    The problem with CPU bound scenario is that there is very little you can do in terms of settings. Number of visible cars is probably the number one, but nothing much else.
    blagger likes this.
  6. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Where do you reduce resolution if you don't use openxrtoolkit?

    In openxrtools there is "custom resolution" and you can set a % : 50 = screen resolution 100 = full resolution.

    6) I use turbo mode and "prefer framerate over latency".

    Attention, Mbucchia suggest to use one or the other, but never together.

    I can run 90 fps in the condition that are used in competition system, I'm not one of night or rain races, so I can expect to have some hit there, but I can drive Nords with GT3s at 90 fps, bear in mind that i set 12 visible cars (that seems low but is more than enough for online comp).

    I feel fortunate to own a gtx 1080, it seems a hell of a card even if it's not a Ti card, so much that I refrain from the temptation to change card.
    blagger likes this.

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