League/Private Racing Section Updates

Discussion in 'Online Racing Discussion' started by RJames, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. RJames

    RJames Registered

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Hi Tim,

    After using and regularly reading this forum area one thing I noticed was it's quite clogged up and was wondering if there is a better way to do this, making it easier for people to find races.

    For example within this forum to add 2 more sub-forums.

    Leagues / Private Racing (Forum)
    - Leagues (sub-forum) all league based posts in here making it easier for people to find longer term leagues rather than one off races.
    - Races (sub-forum) all single race events, such as "today we are racing car x at track y".

    Also to have maybe some more prefix available for this such as: [OPEN], [CLOSED], [FINISHED]. Allowing for us to clearly display what's going on. Many of the posts in this section currently are out of date or finished but not clearly identified.

    One last thing would be great is if we could edit the Title of our original post, so it can be updated (in the event of leagues) as to something like "League X - Race 1 bla bla". Then the next week "League X - Race 2 bla bla".


  2. SpeedLab

    SpeedLab Registered

    Nov 25, 2012
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  3. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    I like the idea. separating league events from single events. much clearer to follow as well. Better exposure for both.

    You can already edit the title, you need to do it in 'advanced' edit mode.

    I was also thinking of requesting different tags [live] [finished] [results] etc, but then I thought, how many people will bother to do that?
    They would probably tag their thread [live] to get more people in, but once the event is over....how many would take the trouble of changing it to [finished]? and that would maybe leave us with a whole bunch of live servers going back all the way to 1999 :)

    But, still a nifty feature to try maybe. I certainly would welcome it for our league threads.

    Tim is a pretty smart fella, maybe he can do something with times. colour code a tag.
    so I set our race-tag from 19:00 to 21:00 and during that time the tag or icon is green. before and after its grey or summit.

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