just what IS Traction Control Cut & how to use it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by davehenrie, Dec 15, 2022.

  1. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    One of the more recent improvements to rF2 has been refinements in both ABS and TC. But for those of us who are clueless(and we all know who we are....) Can somebody first explain what is the purpose of the cut settings and then how to use them properly?
  2. If I remember correctly the help text is something like "how TC cuts in" or "how much power is cut down when TC occurs" - so it is the value of how much power is taken off when the TC does its job and to me (GTE cars) it is much like a second TC.

    I tried it and decided to leave it at the default value as it felt like changing the "main" TC level to me. Maybe I am wrong and it is like how fast TC cuts in and the lower the value the slower TC occurs (that is what I am expecting of such a parameter) but it does not feel like this on my favorite (C8.R).

    To me slip angle is much more interesting but I haven't played with it that much until now - I think you could hear "main" TC working while driving and at the same moment I try to lower and adapt my driving style at that point (tbh I am using TC2 or TC3 most of the time on the C8.R).

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