It is a shame!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Didi, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Oh yes the zebra sky when textures aren't maxed. I made a patch for that along with a fix for the pit exit not matching the painted line. :)
  2. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I'm sorry but this is complete bs. 99.9% of the mods came with all the files in the correct folders and all that had to happen was extract it to your install folder. In the 5y I played rF with multiple 24h races in a bunch of different leagues I never even seen a terrain mismatch or HAT file.
  3. Guy Moulton

    Guy Moulton Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    RE: OP

    I hate this rfmod system as well. But we are stuck with it. Either learn to live with it or iRacing is looking for drivers. There are a thousand ways that this system could have not sucked, but it does- and it works too. Poorly, but it does. So stop worrying and learn to love the rfmod.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2013
  4. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I find that very hard to believe. Running leagues of my own for years I would see tons of people joining my servers over and over desperately trying to find the right combination of mods to not get mismatched. Your argument really doesn't hold water. Sorry.
  5. Guy Moulton

    Guy Moulton Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Oh, Noel how I do remember scrambling 10 mins before quali trying to get the right version of some component. That's one of the BIG reasons I quit rF1 a long time ago. It was just such a hassle to get everything together and right.

    TBH the best way to avoid mismatches and such is just to have the server up for a week before the race. This way everyone can log on well in advance and make sure they have what they need.
  6. Jim Beam

    Jim Beam Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    and that still happens... but now they cant join a server to get advice or info

    you may find it easy but low online numbers shows the system is majorly flawed
  7. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I don't disagree with that, not having the correct version is a completely different story to your hat files or terrain mismatches.
    Nothing to do with how the mods were packed or how they were being installed.

    And like Jim Beam says, you still get the same mismatches regardless of the way its being done.
  8. dv8r

    dv8r Registered

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I wanted to type up what i thought ISI should do to fix the mod problem, but ...they dont get it.
  9. MerlinC

    MerlinC Registered

    Nov 3, 2012
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    First of all the MOD manager moves in the right direction and is a significant step forward compared to rFactor1 - a lot of people struggled with copying the mods manually.

    On the other side it is frustrating that you get a message during installation of a mod that there is a track or car missing and therefore you can't install the MOD. Especially when you start searching the internet and find a newer version of the track/car but not the previous/older version.

    Therefore I would appreciate if two functions could be added (a common repository from my point of view will never be complete):

    (A) Every Mod, Track,... has to contain an information where to get the missing file (sources)
    (B) Compatibility of newer versions to older versions.
  10. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    If you have the right track but the wrong version you would get a terrain mismatch. Also, if you had an old version of a track and then installed a newer version and forgot to delete the HAT you would also get a terrain mismatch. You have been running rF1 for 5 years and you don't know this?
  11. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    This should all improve now that most people are releasing stuff as rfcmp's and just letting server admins bundle stuff how ever they want in a vmod that will simply auto download when you join.
  12. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    that would be a big help if you could join and ask.

    though I dont think low attendance has anything to do with the modding system.
    Get Mod works ok, it even shows you what you are missing.
    Now, if somebody wants everything served on a plate, clearly this sim isnt for him/her.
    Despite Im a noob with computers, I get along nicely in RF2, no major problems ever.

    Am I just lucky? Not really, I had some problems at the start, but doing some methodic instalations all run sweet.

    I hear many people praising RF1.
    What I remember was that when the big wave of mods came, installing them in one game was impossible.
    Changing from mod to mod took ages and many times ctd.
    Luckilly Light version came, resulting in an absurd 2 digit number of installations.
    My desktop was a mess with all those shortcuts.
  13. Rik

    Rik Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    and rF2 is not a game, it is a sim racing software. I think three different type of racing sim :

    1) sim racing game
    2) sim racing software like rF2
    3) professional sim racing software
  14. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    EXACTLY! Hence why many people report lower than expected frames per second.

    1. RFactor 2 calculates many more realtime shadows than other sims. Some other sims use many more fake/static/permanently drawn as part of the texture/object itself kind of shadows. These aren't shadows at all, but just an area of an object that has been permanently "painted"/"colored" in shades of grey to look like it has some sort of shadow on it.

    2. Not only does RFactor 2 calculate heat, humidity and all that, but there are calculations being done based on not only where the track is located in the world, but also what season it is. So the location of the track, plus the time of the year, are all being calculated in RFactor 2's "real world/weather" system, and they affect the physics AND the graphics.

    3. Continuing on with RF2's "real world/weather" system, it also calculates a real sky with real clouds. This, just like everything else in RF2, is being calculated real time, it's not a fake/pre-drawn artist's painting of a sky like in many other sims/games.

    4. Further continuing on with RF2's "real world/weather" system, it has full realtime 24/7 lighting, as the sun goes up, moon goes down, etc

    5. I also remember, I believe, Tim pointing out that humidity will be higher in areas with more trees and such, like certain sections of the Monza track, down the long straights through the forest of the old Hockenheim, throughout certain sections of Spa, etc. Now I'm not sure if this difference in humidity (affecting the amount of rain, drying time, visibility, and more) is calculated dynamically aka in realtime, or if it's pre-determined. However, even if the areas where this difference of humidity occurs was pre-determined by the track makers, I'm willing to bet that the actual way the humidity difference occurs, relative to the "normal" areas of the track, is still being calculated in real time since everything else is being calculated in real time, and the 2 areas (extra humid and "normal") have a direct relationship to one another.

    6. I haven't even mentioned RF2's "real road" system yet, and how it is calculated in real time and affects physics and graphics. Grip level changes, rubber build-up, drying times, wet weather lines, different areas of track all being affected differently by water, and how all of this is connected to the entire RF2 "real world/weather" system.

    7. Also, I'm willing to bet, but can't confirm, that RFactor 2's tyre modeling engine pushes hardware more than any other consumer based video-game/sim.

    Conclusion: RFactor 2 has, by far, much more of a dynamically calculated, and connected to one another, world than any other sim/racing game. Not only does RF2 calculate way more "stuff", but all this stuff is dynamically in realtime connected to and affecting other "stuff". RFactor 2 calculates the sim/game as one complete world where everything in the world is calculated, connected to, and therefore affected by everything else in the world, much, much, more than any other consumer sim/video-game, PERIOD.

    P.S. Feel free to copy and paste this post, especially points 1-7 & conclusion, on any forum/website/article you'd like. :)
  15. Timpie Claessens

    Timpie Claessens Registered

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Don't even know what a HAT file is, I'm just thinking [​IMG]
    And you can still have wrong versions of tracks, in rF1 you could join. Here you can't :p
  16. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The TDF file (terrain file) is read the first time you load a track and then the compiled terrain is cashed into a hat file so that the next time you load the track it loads faster. The problem is if you update a track and the TDF file changes, rF1 was too dumb to rebuild the hat file and you ended up with a terrain mismatch when you join.

    Sure you could join server in rF1 without the correct content (assuming the server is setup to allow that) and then if you are lucky there is someone on the server to help you. In rF2 you can't join at all but at least it tells you what you need.
  17. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    ...and this could be where ISI lose out, AC is attempting to cover all Gamers of PCs not just the hardcore simmers that RF2 attracts. Be interesting to see if that angle of attack works, if it does then it will only be a cult following playing RF2 as AC will cater for the more casual "pick up and play" crowd, taking potential racers away from RF2.

    All in the future though, my hope is both games continue side by side and both have a healthy number of online racers of which switch between the titles.
  18. Banger

    Banger Registered

    Oct 26, 2011
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    just try one download mod, DTM 2012 , gets all the way to 100% ,verified and says i can't run it, because i don't have all the sounds/talent files..... wasted 1 hour
  19. Noel Hibbard

    Noel Hibbard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Most likely because they linked to some default ISI content which was included in older builds. Still not really a flaw of rF2's. It goes back to modders needing to learn how to package stuff.
  20. Banger

    Banger Registered

    Oct 26, 2011
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    probably, but i think isi should maybe verify your data first with the mod data b4 it try's to download.

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