Inconsistent controller steering inputs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jubes, May 4, 2023.

  1. Jubes

    Jubes Registered

    Mar 26, 2021
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    I've been playing Rf2 for over a year now. At first I used a decade-old generic gamepad controller. And it was actually fine for quite a while. Then eventually the "steer right" button would occasionally not register, and I would go straight off on corners.
    So I upgraded to an Xbox controller, and that was fine too. But after a few months the "steer right" button on that was occasionally failing to register too. I thought it was a strange coincidence, but maybe I press too hard on the "steer right" button?
    So I got a Dualshock 4 PlayStation controller, and that is doing exactly the same too! So there's obviously nothing wrong with my controllers...
    Has anyone had this happen to them? What can I do to fix it? Use a different USB port? Reinstall? Re-calibrate the pad??
    Its so annoying. I can do several laps and not have a problem - then I'll just go straight at a corner for no reason. It's starting to really spoil my enjoyment of the game...
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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