Idea: rF2 Challenge 99 - F1 1999

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Barf, Jul 10, 2023.

  1. Barf

    Barf Registered

    May 22, 2018
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    A few weeks ago, I went back into 3D to testing the new PBR shaders.

    I've enjoyed importing some F1C cars, while reworking the BBS, Enkei rims and tires with the PBR shaders.

    I've already converted a few cars and still have to animate the drivers' arms, steering wheels and sounds...

    As far as the physics are concerned, they're the result of a mix of S397 McLaren 98 tires and F1C data, slightly modified to reduce grip. From 99, the front tires have 4 grooves!

    I'm fan of F1C and the F1 of the early 2000s, low mechanical grip, V10 and 600kg!

    Unfortunately, F1C has become almost unplayable these days, whether on a triple screen or in vr...

    So I asked myself: why not create a complete rF2 season, including cars and circuits?

    Obviously, this would require a lot of work, especially for the circuits. We might even have to create our own sources to get around F1C's copyright.

    In any case, it's idea, let's see if enough people are interested!

    Layer 1.jpg Layer 2.jpg Layer 3.jpg Layer 4.jpg Layer 5.jpg
  2. Sounds good.

    If it comes to liveries I like the '97 season most, but I agree, the "goove tires" reduced grip a lot and made driving a little more difficult; I think Damon Hill stated he could not get warm with them tires and left Jordan in 1998 or 1999.

    I was driving GP3 and GP4 a lot and there were a lot of mods (liveries) around - I think I still have them somewhere on CD - and the f1 1986 track mod available in workshop could be a good basis for the tracks of 1998/99.

    At least I cannot do support such a project, except testing or maybe some liveries ... but I am not familiar with 3d designing which would be required for tracks and cars and so on.

    Overall - I am interested ;-)
  3. Diego Barjollo

    Diego Barjollo Registered

    Feb 4, 2020
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    My first experience around online leagues on 2006 was in F1 Challenge, i would love to race again on those cars! F1C it's unplayable as you said, so definitely you will have my support on this!
  4. Barf

    Barf Registered

    May 22, 2018
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    Absolutely, we can imagine for a v1 to have something visually clean, but above all to have good physics and some content (track corresponding to the season).
  5. Forcer77

    Forcer77 Registered

    Jul 6, 2022
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    F1C is still playable if you aren't going to play with VR...but anyway it's great idea. F1C was the best F1 game in these times and had quite decent physics. Don't forget that it used gmotor engine, so you can say that F1Challenge was rF2's predecessor :)
  6. Full Right

    Full Right Registered

    May 12, 2023
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    I think F1C is brilliant. After moving residences last year, I found my disk in its case and an old computer with the XPS Pro operating system. Game reinstalled flawlessly. Ran down on the Web Team Virtua's PTC mod. Still play it from time to time. F1C is very underrated.
    Forcer77 likes this.
  7. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I tell you my experience.
    I started with my group in this game (the group still exists but in rF2).

    As I see it F1 Challenge opened the door to simulators. There wasn't any information on how to make mods or circuits, but it already had one feature that has hooked me ever since: customization.

    rF1 inherited a lot from F1C code but in this case you could find (in dribs and drabs) something about editing content.
    In fact I used rF1 tools to convert it to F1C.

    Although it took me a long time to switch to rF1 (it took me much longer to switch to rF2) all the knowledge acquired in F1C and rF1 has helped me to continue developing in rF2.

    F1C, for its time, was the most advanced in physics and had a very acceptable graphic level (something similar happens with rF2).

    Regarding VR it is clear that F1C does not support it.

    I would not convert F1C content to rF2, you have to enjoy F1C in native mode.
    atomed and Full Right like this.
  8. Forcer77

    Forcer77 Registered

    Jul 6, 2022
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    really don't get it... o_O by your logic you also have to say "you have to enjoy rF1 in native mode and not convert rF1 content to rF2"... :confused:
    but modding exists exactly for that purpose
  9. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I am not going to get into polemics.

    If you want to learn how to convert go ahead, maybe by doing so you will understand the reason for my comment.

    Good luck with your idea.
  10. Bjørn

    Bjørn Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    It's a shame there are no good 3D models of cars of this era... 1998, 1999 and 2000 mods could with relative ease be created because you'd have a great template of physics from the 1998 McLaren. But the ISI 3D models of 20+ years of age is sadly not really cutting it today. It will be an underwhelming experience and t he immersion will take a hit when you can count the amount of polygons in the nose of a car, the front wing, air intakes etc. It'll be polishing a turd.
  11. Chris Lesperance

    Chris Lesperance Registered

    Nov 29, 2012
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    It would be great to see this era in rF2. I think Bjorn is right with the stock content. But I know at the time there was a couple mod groups.

    Ralph Hummerich - I think his stuff was mostly based on the stock content.

    CTDP had a few additional seasons outside of the outstanding 2006 mod. Again, not sure how it compares to today's standards.
  12. Bjørn

    Bjørn Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    CTDP, I was a huge fan of those guys back then, followed their dev blog closely. In my opinion they 1-upped the RH-mods in terms of quality, specially visually. The 2005 mod still has decent visuals - 2006 is still outstanding. 2004 would probably work too.
    The last 'original' CTDP-member I saw active must have been Dahie... But it's been so long. Also there's not chance in getting permission from the RH-guys... They've made it very clear many times that conversions are off limits and if you convert it anyway, you end up on their hall of shame...

    I craved for a Schumacher-season in rF2, so I converted a 2004 grid myself... It holds up rather well visually, because the models are fairly new. It's by no means perfect, but it gets the job done for me. The more late 90's and early 00's projects the better.
  13. Chris Lesperance

    Chris Lesperance Registered

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I remember at the time, I liked the RH ones more as it was closer based to the stock content. I didn't have a really good PC at the time. I do remember thinking that the CTDP was a step up. But I haven't looked at those mods for so long, I'm not sure if they hold up. I also remember those mods as having multiple car textures where I'm not sure if you can get it to work with the IBL car shaders with out remapping everything to one texture

    I would be happy to see more of this era converted.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2023
  14. Nick9320

    Nick9320 Registered

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I would really love to get those beauties on old tracks again <3
  15. Nick9320

    Nick9320 Registered

    Feb 8, 2012
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    What if I say that we only need to fix tracks and I could fix the car?
    Corgan, bears, Radkappe and 2 others like this.
  16. SharD

    SharD Registered

    Apr 17, 2019
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    Unfortunately. Even the rF1 80-90s F1 mods are starting to look dated now. A combined effort to make new '80 to '02 mods would be so nice, heh.

    That said, there are new 90s era cars for GP4, but I doubt we'll get permission to convert them.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
  17. graphicaluserinterface

    graphicaluserinterface Registered

    Oct 4, 2018
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    The best looking rF1 cars were converted from GP4 and about those, I have permission from fongu for his cars and he'd certainly grant it to someone doing a decent job. Oggo would be no issue whatsoever either, and potentially Kerley. The issue comes from certain 2000's cars whose authors disappeared from the modding community or are inaccessible, such as Kizz360, Wai Keen Lam, or viper (enzojz).
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2023
  18. SharD

    SharD Registered

    Apr 17, 2019
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    That sounds good. I believe I got my GP4 1998-2009 cars from a Brazilian site. They look good and I am certain that they are made from scratch. I will see if I can get a hold of the developers of those cars. And Fongu's 1994 carset would be a treasure to have.
  19. haunetal1990

    haunetal1990 Registered

    Jan 4, 2012
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  20. jmarq10

    jmarq10 Registered

    Mar 5, 2017
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