HUD Issues

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by lordpantsington, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. lordpantsington

    lordpantsington Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Not sure if this is a Dev mode issue, a Hud editor issue or what.

    So I've been building a new HUD. I was having a problem with the "Extra Info Unavailable" text placement. It looks like TVOP_xtraPosX is the line that controls position. 1) This will not update in realtime. And 2) when I save, exit, reenter, it seems to have affected the position of all the other "* Unavailable" text positions. Specifically when TVOP_xtraPosX /=0, all other "* Unavailable" text positions are reset to middle of the screen (X offset). The Y offset appear to be okay.

    Also Color 2 for a text object has a typo for the header: greed instead of green, which is weird because n is nowhere near d on a keyboard.
  2. lordpantsington

    lordpantsington Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    There is also some oddity going on with transparency. Pure black RGB + pure white alpha= decently transparent. It is like alpha isn't actually masking, but rather multiplying and its end lightness is determining transparency.
  3. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Looking through the code, I see that "TVOP_xtraPosX" is not currently used for anything, so I'll be taking it out.

    "TVOP_smallPosX" is the value that changes the X position of the "Extra Info Unavailable" message.
  4. lordpantsington

    lordpantsington Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks! that did it. TVOP_largePosX also allowed me to also move the other unavailable messages that reset to mid screen (probably when I was fumbling around trying to move the Extra Info Unavailable msg).

    A nice work around for the diffuse overriding alpha is to use 1,1,1 as the darkest black. It still is counter-intuitive that diffuse overrides alpha transparency.

    If only we could get at all of the individual things displayed in the MFD and attach them to whatever page we want, the Hud and editor would be perfect. For instance: sometimes I'd like to be able to move the RPM count text out of the MFD area and over the Tach. If RPM were available as an option for text, that would do it. But in the interest of replicating a Motec or Aim dash, I might like to keep rpm attached to a page (like extra) with some other info-objects. When I cycle the MFD I then have access to a ton of info, in a small interface. Not all of it has to be displayed at the same time. I could then set up pages to my liking for Qualifying, Race, Warmup and Practice with the correct things display over top of the "Tach".

    Here is a teaser:


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