Since build 770 the multiple profiles doesn't work on the server, it defaults to the 'player' profile even if it's deleted / renamed it creates the player profile and loads it. Has anyone been able to solve this without having to install multiple copies on the server? It could be as simple as the Target: or Start in: being wrong (however it did work prior to Build 700) so I'd like to know what people have done for multiple profiles. Is +plrfile=profilename used as per CLI.txt file as I can't seem to make it work this way either. Are dedicated server admins running through the Launcher or direct of the 'rFactor2 Dedicated.exe'. Curious if anyone is getting the error 'Program can't start because pthreadVC2.dll is missing since this build (798)? click OK and the program loads. Build 770 doesn't display this error..
I guess you mean that B770 does not display that error. There is no such B700. In our league we run different installs for each server so we don't face this issue.
Same annoying problem here since b770 and not fixed in B798 !!!, I can launch only one instance through the Host button of the Launcher, the +profile don't work. I don't want to waste our server hard drive with multiple install, have to duplicate all track/mod on each server !!!! Not enough place to do that. Please ISI, fix this quick, the league are now limited in number of running mods at time, the online is dying day after day ...
"D:\RF2\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" "+profile=server1" Cannot see profile in the list even after I copied Userdata/player/* to userdata/newplayer and renamed /userdata/newplayer/player.json to /userdata/newplayer/newplayer.json then use +profile=newplayer anyone can confirm ?
So, working for me, I changed 3 things in my shortcut : Path to exe file and = added like this : "C:\Serveurs\rFactor2\Bin32\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" +profile=Instance2 And in the base directory : C:\Serveurs\rFactor2\ All other parameters like +maxplayers 45 unchanged and working. Thank you ISI.
So, the name which "+profile=..." refers to is the player data folder names under the UserData folder: Code: .../rFactor2/UserData/Instance1/Instance1.json ----> +profile=Instance1 .../rFactor2/UserData/Instance2/Instance2.json ----> +profile=Instance2 and so on, right?
Sorry, meant 770. Updated my post. As for multiple installs, I don't want to do that, duplicate installs adds HDD space and the costs of SAS Drives of a decent size limits the space.
Will try that tonight Corsa. The CLI.txt file indicates +plrfile=profilename that +profile was unsupported, I was trying the old +profile " " and the +plrfile=. Didn't think to try +profile= At a guess the error I'm getting as it loads is a plug-in, something I remembered overnight so will remove that to see if it works.
Thanks MaD_King for checking it worked and posting your shortcut details, this will help others searching for the fix (if they use the search function)
"D:\RF2\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" "+profile=server1" needs to be +profile=newplayer (without ") so replace with this line: "D:\RF2\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" +profile=newplayer
I can confirm that the +profile=profilename works. The error I was getting, was running the LiveRacers plugin on the server and that was running the 32 bit plugin in the 32 bit folder.