Game save/time acceleration?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Team Dano, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. Team Dano

    Team Dano Registered

    Dec 27, 2010
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    Does anybody know if rf2 will have a game save and time acceleration feature. This would be very useful for endurance races and speeding up qualifying. Also I don't like to practice, qualify and race in the same session.
  2. doggod

    doggod Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    A save feature is a must , You could do qualifying(1 or 2) on one night and split the race over a couple of nights(weeks) depending on the race length (24 hour real time)
    Agree with Team Dano having practice qualifying and race in one session is impossible offline,
    Gtr2 has a good system in this regard
    If you are just having a race(without qualifying) with different classes ,it would be nice if the game could recognize that different classes have different lap times and organize the grid randomly based on the classes eg LMP1 at front of grid but placed randomly, LMP2 next, again placed randomly within their section and so on with GT1 and GT2,
    For me i find im better in some classes than others(i assume that some others in the same position, so rather than having a overall difficulty and its subsections for the game, it would be nice if each class of cars both coming with the game and what modders release afterwards could each have their own difficulty and realistic settings page along with wheel settings specifically for each type of car.

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