Hello everyone, I am having quite the issue. My game won't run! The launcher won't even open. Every time I try to open the game Steam gives a notification that it is running, but then it quickly acts as though the game has just been closed. The message "Syncing" appears next the game title and then nothing. This problem started right after the most recent Windows 10 update, so I'm confident that is the culprit, however I am not having trouble with any other games. Here are the solutions I have tried thus far: - Uninstall and Re-install - Verify integrity of game files - Delete player data file (I've had a similar problem in the past and this seemed to fix it) - Update NVIDIA drivers - Run compatibility mode for Windows 8 and 7 - Give Admin access to the game - Restrict Admin access to the game - Repair runtime files in the Support->Runtimes folder - Re-install all C++ Runtimes - Disable Windows Defender Firewall - Re-install Steam So I come to you good people for help! Thank you all in advance!
This post with a similar issue suggests reinstalling more/all C++ redistributables (not just the ones that come with the game). It has a video with a link, bear in mind such links are not always a good idea, but it might give you somewhere to start looking. https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/help-rf2-will-not-launch.63803/#post-995440
Just a guess Windows defender or another Virusscanner ? If Defender, go through windows security settings, turn of ransomware/directory access (dont know the term in english) and turn everything app-related also to off and try again. I had a problem after win updates with sound not working, the settings will be reset after every update -- it seems.
Ahh I misread. Well I turned off all app-realted settings and still nothing. It's as if the game is launching and then immediately closing.