Hi, i had to update to windows 10, because Windows 7 has no update support with my hardware (Intel 7700, GTX 1080Ti, HTC VIVE). Since windows 10 creators update, i noticed problems with my G27 steering wheel. rFactor2 reports: " no connected controller detected", so i can't drive with a Joystick or Steering wheel. (at least in DX11) No other Joysticks are available. Controllersettings is only assignable to keyboard. In Windows properties and "installed Gamecontroller settings" the device Logitech G27 Racing Wheel USB is working fine, without problems and even calibration is possible. Logitech profiler is also working even on USB 3. In older racing games, like "life for speed" the G27 is still working as expected. Neither in rFactor2, nor in any other game in windows 10 Joysticks controller are available. Instead i found a strange entry in Logitech G27 Racing Wheel USBs "driver properties": "Device is not migrated" Does anybody know what this means? (in German: Gerät nicht migriert. Das Gerät USB\VID_046D&PID_C29B\6&43d0d4f&1&1 wurde aufgrund einer teilweisen oder mehrdeutigen Übereinstimmung nicht migriert.) Is this the reason for not working G27 or G25 etc.? Does anybody have same problems or a solution. Any hint would be great. Leonardo1962 (Peter)
In Controller.json there should be a line which states what id n. your G27 is, try to clear the line or try to put it to 0 or 1 , maybe you have other joystick connected and they just changed numbers.
I’ve had something similar with my fanatec. Unplug your wheel Unistall the logitech drivers. Install the logitech drivers again. Plug in your wheel. This was with the creators update. Last week with the creators fall update everything was OK, but i had a 29 Gb “old windows install” cached somewere on my drive. I cleaned it with CCleaner. But i shouldn’t had done that. Everything went bananas after that. So i’ve a fresh creators fall windows install. DDU’ed the windows nvidia drivers and installed them with geforce experience.
try deleting your player file let it write a new one and see how that goes......... Backup your existing first though..
To remove the old Windows install folder, I use cleanmgr in the run window (Windows button + R), then run cleanmgr again, select system files and select all. It takes some time to remove, then restart the PC. This has never given me problems and can give you 20-30GB free space.
The latest windows update is a problem for the G27. Uninstall the profiler and install the profiler again
for my older G25, I had to go back to a discontinued version of the Logi profiler. But this was before any windows update. I haven't used that wheel in a while though.
I had problem after last Windows update when G27 in profiler was detected as Driving Force. I just uninstall driver profiler and install again and all work fine like nothing happened.
Hey, No issues with the update, you just have to create a simple RF2 profile again in the Logitech profiler, then G27 will work in RF2
Hi, i de- and reinstalled Logitech Gaming Software (mouse and controler) without success. i de- and reinstalled Logitech drivers without success. Removed old Windows install folder using cleanmgr (as ceecee told) and re installed direct X, but still no G27 controller available. (Though it fixed the driver properties migration indication.) Then i remembered that in November i took a "steam link" system into operation. Therefore i had to activate any kind Controller in stead of a steam controller. (Dont have one) This steam controller configuration in steam big picture mode, seems to hide all other windows controllers. I had to change the steam controller configuration and therefore i had to leave the steam family mode to change the settings. (I unchecked all hooks in controller configuration up to the first "Guide key open steam"). After changing that common controller- settings, my G27 is finally working again. It took me three days to check this out. So thanks for all your friendly help and advices. You all gave me new indications to consider. Leonardo1962 (Peter)
So,now whit the latest Windows update my G27 is recognized as a Driving Force,so far nothing works.............can anyone help please? :/
This is such a pain in the ass with windows...I get the same thing with every minor windows update; This works for me; 1. Go to Control Panel 2.Devices and Printers 3.Right-click on the g27 steering wheel 4.Click on properties 5.Click on Hardware the Logitech g27 Racing Wheel USB and then Properties 6.Change Settings then to Driver 7.Update driver,Browse my computer, Let me pick a list of device Drivers on my Computer 8.Click on USB input. This should fix it, then go to your game Controller Settings and it should Show the g27.
@Rastas That's a common issue (been happening to people for years), if you google some of those keywords you will find a youtube solution at least.
It's Windows 10 update season again! Which means it's time for our G27s to start showing up in the profiler as a DFGT I don't know WHY Logitech doesn't make more hoopla about the Wheel Driver Cleaner. Every time MS breaks my G27, this fixes it in less than 10 seconds. Without headaches. Link is in 1st response to the OP. https://community.logitech.com/s/feed/0D5310000510XxTCAU Keep it on your desktop for future use, you'll need it