Fuel Use Miscalculation?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by redapg, May 18, 2023.

  1. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @Alex Sawczuk @Coutie Can it be, that there is a Miscalculation of the Fuel Use somewhere?
    There was a Problem with a Track, where only a few AI Cars did make a timed Quali Lap.
    So i've tested in DevMode and in the End it was caused by the FuelUse Value of the AIW File.
    I did use a Car with 60 L Starting Fuel.
    To at first try it out with a Track where are AI Cars get timed Quali Laps, i did use the Silverstone National Layout with the original FuelUse Value of 32800.
    Then i did use 132800 and none of them did make a timed Quali Lap.

    And when i make the Test with the problematic Track it is the same.
    FuelUse=124813.015625 (original Value) 1 or 2 of 8 Cars get a timed Quali Lap
    FuelUse=94813.015625 6 of 8 Cars get a timed Quali Lap
    FuelUse=64813.015625 All Cars get a timed Quali Lap

    The Cars enter the Pits before they finish their first timed Lap, even if there is no Reason to do that.
    The Car has enough Fuel for much more than 3 Quali Laps.
    So i suppose, that there is something broken in the Game Code.
    Can you please check that?
  2. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    What track? You(or whoever made the track) should use the Skip Barber to calculate the fuel usage.
  3. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It's a 3rd Party Bathurst Track from the Workshop.
    But what is with the Silverstone National Test?
    As said, i did use a Car with 60 L Starting Fuel and the original FuelUse Value of 32800.000000 and the Forecast in the Setup Menu is, that it is good for 43 Laps.
    Result: All AI do timed Quali Laps.
    Then i use an AIW FuelUse of 132800.000000 and the Forecast is, that it is good for 10 Laps.
    Result: no AI Car can drive a timed Lap. They all Enter the Pits directly after the Out Lap.
    And the Count of allowed Quali Laps is set to 3.
    So there is obviously something wrong, don't you think?
  4. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @Coutie @Alex Sawczuk
    Let me give it another Try to maybe better explain the Problem.
    I've made a new Test with the Loch Drummond Short and the Skip Barber.
    At first, to follow your Advice, i did use the Skip Barber to get the FuelUse Value for the AIW being calculated.
    (Seems as if the Skip Barber wasn't used before, to calculate the AIW FuelUse Value for this official DevMode Track, because the Skip Barber Value is 30270.570313 and the original one is 53752.863281).

    In the below Tests, the Default Setup and no Fuel Multiplier gets used.

    Test 1:
    With the new AIW FuelUse Value, i get a Forecast of 28L/31Laps and that is correct in an acceptable Range.
    Now i let the AI drive the Quali with 3 Allowed Laps and all of them get a Laptime.

    Test 2:
    I change the FuelUse Value in the AIW to 90270.57031 (~x3) and get a Forecast of 28L/10Laps and that is correctly calculated here too.
    But when i let the AI drive on the Track, they still can go ~30 Laps and when i let them do the Quali now, none of them gets a Laptime.

    So the FuelUse Value in the AIW seems to be used for the Forecast in the Menu only.
    But why does it influences, if the AI can do timed Quali Laps or not?

    There obviously must be something wrong, because, as said, when i let them drive with the original and also with the 3 Times higher FuelUse AIW Value, they can do 30 Laps.
    But with the original Value they get a Quali Lap Time, but with the higher Value they don't.

    I, of course, don't know the Games Code but in my Opinion, there is obviously something broken with one of the latest Updates.
    If a Car has enough Fuel for 30 Laps, why it can not do 3 Quali Laps?
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @redapg I fully understand what you're saying.

    But to play devil's advocate: if a bug appears only when the wrong value is used, is it really a bug? :D

    (does a longer track that correctly produces a FuelUse value >90000, work correctly with the same test?)
  6. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    For me, that is not the Question. ;)
    The Question, as said above already, is, why that FuelUse Value influences, if the AI can make timed Quali Laps or not.
    No matter if the Value is wrong.
    If that Value is only used for the Forecast in the Menu, what seems to be the Case, it should not have that Influence.
    And the bigger Problem is, that a lot of Tracks, also official Tracks, do have "wrong" FuelUse Values, but that didn't cause this Problem in the Past.
  7. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I've asked someone with more knowledge of this to check it out.
    redapg and Manfredk2 like this.
  8. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Thank you :)

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