Frustrations with rF2 in its current state.

Discussion in 'Wish Lists' started by jerrymcc, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. D.Painter

    D.Painter Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The hole rF2 interface is crappy! Right through till you've got the car & track selected and go racing. All the rest is trash and should never have been introduced in the first place.

    Never a truer word spoken. Yes I've found these so called improvements are just the opposite. They make the users work harder, slower and get more frustrated with the inaction of the programs to just get it done and stop screwing around! 3 or 4 extra moves and clicks to do what you could done in a earlier version in half the time.

    rF2 is as guilty of this now with this useless and also ugly interface it has. And while on rF2, This mod id system with it's vmods, locking people out of tracks because, Why?? Is a big frustration for rF2. The inability to customize anything because it's locked or you just simply will kill the mod id and render the thing online useless.

    As a painter the spinner and how it take a number of steps to get to it is also frustrating just to use something that is as limited as a 2D picture with the amount it allows you to move and rotate the cars is beyond epithetic after what a 7 year old version gives you.

    This launcher thing makes no sense at all. Just have those choices in the main game interface like it used to be and is with all other games.. This is just another added thing to go wrong and create extra unnecessary step.

    As a sim racer and just a user these things seem great and helps you, though I don't see it, but as a modder, customizer, a builder of things, I hate rF2 with a vengeance! Don't touch you'll break it.

    These are what are being called improvements????
  2. Some1

    Some1 Registered

    Aug 23, 2012
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    I also agree, that the current UI sucks. Firstly, it is laggy because it loads stuff on demand (like when you go to the car selection screen, it hangs while it loads the cars). The UI should be multithreaded and and show somekind of animated indicators that it is doing something and enabling the user to cancel the current operation or something.

    The beauty of the default rF2 UI is in the eye of the beholder, but I personally do not like those fat round edges. Looks kinda like a children's game.

    Another issue I have with the UI is the loading screen. We still only get to specify a background and a scrollbar. I would like that the loading screen displayed the current track, car and other info dynamically so that the track maker shouldn't have to create a complete loading screen background. In rf1 every loading screen had different quality including different fonts and location of the track info etc...

    Since it seems that there is support for custom UIs made by the community, I'm wondering if the community will get access to some kind of tools for UI creation at some point? Editing those huge OSC files is pretty difficult and cumbersome.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2012

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