When I press the U key I enter free cam. But the camera does not change direction with the mouse, there are no mouse control?
If you assign keys/button to the cam tilt or turn/yaw controls (ie exactly the same things your mouse will control) your mouse will be disabled to avoid it moving while you're controlling the camera in another way. So one option is to unassign those controls. This is explained in the text help for those controls when you put your mouse over them in the settings: Workaround: you can override this by changing this line in your controller.json file: "Freelook Mouse Control":false, "Freelook Mouse Control#":"Force the use of Mouse for pitch and yaw in Freelook Mode. On False, this is automatically disabled if there are controller assignments.", (you want to change false, to true, in order to always be able to use the mouse)
Hmmm, I can't seem to find that line in my controler.json. I have Pitch & yaw but don't see the "Freelook Mouse Control":false, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Accel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Accel#":"Freelook pitch acceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Decel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Decel#":"Freelook pitch deceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Speed":1.5, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Speed#":"Freelook pitch speed when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Accel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Accel#":"Freelook Yaw acceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Decel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Decel#":"Freelook Yaw deceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Speed":1.5, "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Speed#":"Freelook yaw speed when using keyboard.", "Freelook Mouse Pitch Speed":0.004, "Freelook Mouse Pitch Speed#":"Freelook pitch speed when using mouse.", "Freelook Mouse Yaw Speed":0.004, "Freelook Mouse Yaw Speed#":"Freelook yaw speed when using mouse.", Should/can I add it manually? ;-) Thx !
Mine has it immediately below those lines you've shown there. You can add it manually, but what you should perhaps do is consider moving all your json files out to somewhere else and let the game create new ones, then copy over any of your settings (much easier to do using a file comparison tool, rather than manually) to make sure you have all latest parameters. You're on the "None" beta in Steam -> rF2, right? Here's my whole Freelook section from that file, I don't think I've changed any of these from default. Code: "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Accel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Accel#":"Freelook pitch acceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Decel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Decel#":"Freelook pitch deceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Speed":1.5, "Freelook Keyboard Pitch Speed#":"Freelook pitch speed when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Accel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Accel#":"Freelook Yaw acceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Decel":4, "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Decel#":"Freelook Yaw deceleration when using keyboard.", "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Speed":1.5, "Freelook Keyboard Yaw Speed#":"Freelook yaw speed when using keyboard.", "Freelook Mouse Control":false, "Freelook Mouse Control#":"Force the use of Mouse for pitch and yaw in Freelook Mode. On False, this is automatically disabled if there are controller assignments.", "Freelook Mouse Pitch Speed":0.004, "Freelook Mouse Pitch Speed#":"Freelook pitch speed when using mouse.", "Freelook Mouse Yaw Speed":0.004, "Freelook Mouse Yaw Speed#":"Freelook yaw speed when using mouse.",