[European V8 Supercars] Pre-Season 1 @ Mills Metro Inner Loop C

Discussion in 'Online Racing Discussion' started by aerobaticrug, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. aerobaticrug

    aerobaticrug Registered

    Dec 27, 2012
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    Our first PreSeason event for the European V8 Supercars is now set up.

    This is a test event so the format is lose and open to change. Its a session for getting to know the cars and the people, so get stuck in, get some practise as the server is now up.

    Time ​​Friday December 4th, 19:30GMT
    ​Track Mills Metro Inner Loop C - server is GETMOD enabled but its default ISI content anyhow
    ​Cars FVR V8 Supercars 0.59 - www.fvrfactor.com - downloads section

    Voice: TeamSpeak - https://www.teamspeak.com/downloads - Hit the home tab to see the teamspeak details and once you have
    installed the Teamspeak software, just click on the room, enter you name
    and off you go.

    Live Timing: http://racing-leagues.liveracers.com/Live?server=Racing-Leagues.com

    We will be on the server most nights leading up to the event so feel free to join us.

    Forum Thread: http://www.racing-leagues.com/forum/index.php?threads/pre-season-test-1-europe.364/#post-2300​

    Final Note

    These are not the cars we will be running in the season, this is only a test using the 2012 until the release of the new cars
  2. aerobaticrug

    aerobaticrug Registered

    Dec 27, 2012
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    Open night tonight, all welcome. Open from 19:30 GMT

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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